DynamicProgrammingEECS441 / PicassoXS

EECS 441 @ UMich Project
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General Filter & Portrate Mode - Build Web Server (Flask/Tornardo) and deploy on GCloud #70

Open XiaoSong9905 opened 4 years ago

XiaoSong9905 commented 4 years ago


  1. build web server like Flask / Tornardo that help to pre-process / post-process information between client and server. This help to lessen the computation required for front end and enable more future functionalities due to the limitation swift have

Feature Links


User Story & Acceptance Criteria

Portrate Mode Filter : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BMszGmVqfQa7ZOoLGFx_vB3N_HeCxCEe_6KgkWVSmRo/edit?usp=sharing

General Filter : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YU66XGAY_96yoz0vlgMPM-049zOeC4QVQgMvJiivYsE/edit?usp=sharing

Additional Acceptance Criteria :

  1. web app should be deployed on server before MVP
  2. should support portrate mode filter & upload own style & general filter