DynamicProgrammingEECS441 / PicassoXS

EECS 441 @ UMich Project
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General Filter & Portrate Mode Filter - train model [MVP] #71

Open XiaoSong9905 opened 4 years ago

XiaoSong9905 commented 4 years ago


  1. each model corrsponding to a specific filter
  2. trained model weight is stored in local computer, model is packed into servable and upload to zenhub. See "pack model into servavle card"
  3. *Train model do not have any code dependency since model weight are not upload to github. In order to met with the github grading rubrics, a log file for training process is upload to `src/backend/TrainLog/` for grading purpose**


  1. Done

Link to Feature

  1. Code https://github.com/DynamicProgrammingEECS441/PicassoXS/tree/master/src/backend/train
  2. Model weight : model weigth are too large to be put on github, it's packed into tf server and upload to docker hub directly

List of Current Support Model

  1. arbitary_style
  2. francoise
  3. kirchner
  4. munch
  5. roerich 6.cezanne
  6. gauguin
  7. monet
  8. paul
  9. van-gogh
  10. el-greco
  11. kandinsky
  12. morisot
  13. peploe

User Story & Acceptance Criteria

General Filter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YU66XGAY_96yoz0vlgMPM-049zOeC4QVQgMvJiivYsE/edit?usp=sharing

Portrate Mode Filter : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BMszGmVqfQa7ZOoLGFx_vB3N_HeCxCEe_6KgkWVSmRo/edit?usp=sharing

Additional Acceptance Criteria:

  1. model generate decent result
  2. weight can be used to packed into tf server
XiaoSong9905 commented 4 years ago

FOR GRADER, LOOK HERE ----------↓↓↓-----------

Train model do not have any code dependency since model weight are not upload to github. In order to met with the github grading rubrics, a log file for training process is upload to src/backend/TrainLog/* for grading purpose
