DynamicProgrammingEECS441 / PicassoXS

EECS 441 @ UMich Project
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Meeting Mar 8 #75

Open XiaoSong9905 opened 4 years ago

XiaoSong9905 commented 4 years ago


  1. MVP code front end back end connection
  2. server deployment & test
  3. presentation check

Meeting Time

Mar 8th 3pm-5pm Wechat group chat (no longer using bluejeans meeting due to internet conneciton issue) MANDATORY: ALL MEMBER MUST ATTEND DISCUSSION ON TIME

Task Assignment:

Front End

Zhijie Ren this week :

  1. test different front end funcitonlity
  2. finish rest of MVP code

Juye Xiao this week :

  1. test different front end funcitonlity
  2. finish rest of MVP code

Senhao Wang this week :

  1. finish rest of MVP code

Back End

Xiao Song this week :

  1. Finsih rest of backend code
  2. deploy MVP service on server

Enhao Zhang this week :

  1. Finish rest of backend code
  2. deploy MVP code on server

Rena Xu this week :

  1. Test backend functionality

Jason Zhao this week :

  1. Test backend functionality