DynamicTreesTeam / DynamicTrees

Minecraft Forge mod providing dynamic trees that progressively grow from seed to maturity.
MIT License
230 stars 97 forks source link

Black texture on some leaves in Orchard biome? #275

Closed Kehaan closed 4 years ago

Kehaan commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug When using DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.5 and DynamicTreesBOP-1.12.2-1.4.1e, Orchard trees from Biomes O Plenty generate in a Lost citites world, with black "leaves" as can be seen on the attached screenshot. Without those 2 mods, the trees generate the leaves just fine.

To Reproduce Every Orchard Biome have this issue when using the above 2 mods. Also tried new worlds.

Screenshots 2019-06-14_22 05 18

Rendering Glitches

Additional context Logs: logs.zip

Crashes No crashes

*Version Minecraft 1.12.2 - forge-

Mods List +----------------------------+---------------------------------+ | ModID | Mod name | +----------------------------+---------------------------------+ | FML | Forge Mod Loader | | additionalresources | Additional Resources | | advancedrocketry | Advanced Rocketry | | advancedrocketrycore | Advanced Rocketry Core | | advancementbook | Advancement Book | | animania | Animania | | apotheosis | Apotheosis | | applecore | AppleCore | | appleskin | AppleSkin | | appliedenergistics2 | Applied Energistics 2 | | astralsorcery | Astral Sorcery | | audiodeath | Audio Death | | autoreglib | AutoRegLib | | baubles | Baubles | | bdlib | BD Lib | | betteradvancements | Better Advancements | | bettertitlescreen | Better Title Screen | | bibliocraft | BiblioCraft | | binniecore | Binnie Core | | binniedesign | Binnie's Design | | biomesoplenty | Biomes O' Plenty | | bnbgamingcore | BnBGamingCore | | bnbgaminglib | BNBGamingLib | | botania | Botania | | botania_tweaks | Botania Tweaks | | botania_tweaks_core | Botania Tweaks Core | | botany | Binnie's Botany | | buildcraftbuilders | BuildCraft Builders | | buildcraftcompat | BuildCraft Compat | | buildcraftcore | BuildCraft | | buildcraftenergy | BuildCraft Energy | | buildcraftfactory | BuildCraft Factory | | buildcraftlib | BuildCraft Lib | | buildcraftrobotics | BuildCraft Robotics | | buildcraftsilicon | BuildCraft Silicon | | buildcrafttransport | BuildCraft Transport | | chameleon | Chameleon | | chancecubes | Chance Cubes | | chisel | Chisel | | chiselsandbits | Chisels & Bits | | codechickenlib | CodeChicken Lib | | controlledburn | Controlled Burn | | craftstudioapi | CraftStudio API | | crafttweaker | CraftTweaker2 | | crafttweakerjei | CraftTweaker JEI Support | | ctgui | CT-GUI | | ctm | CTM | | cucumber | Cucumber Library | | culinaryconstruct | Culinary Construct | | custommainmenu | Custom Main Menu | | dcs_asm | HeatAndClimateASM | | dcs_climate | HeatAndClimateMod | | dcs_lib | HeatAndClimateLib | | defaultworldgenerator-port | Default World Generator | | dldungeonsjbg | Doomlike Dungeons | | dynamictrees | Dynamic Trees | | dynamictreesbop | Dynamic Trees BOP | | dynamictreestc | Dynamic Trees TC | | extendedcrafting | Extended Crafting | | extrabees | Binnie's Extra Bees | | extratrees | Binnie's Extra Trees | | extrautils2 | Extra Utilities 2 | | foamfix | FoamFix | | foamfixcore | FoamFixCore | | forestry | Forestry | | forge | Minecraft Forge | | gendustry | GenDustry | | genetics | Binnie's Genetics | | gregtech | GregTech Community Edition | | gtadditions | Shadows of Greg | | hardcoredarkness | Hardcore Darkness | | headcrumbs | Headcrumbs | | hungeroverhaul | Hunger Overhaul | | iceandfire | Ice and Fire | | immersiverailroading | Immersive Railroading | | infernalmobs | Infernal Mobs | | inventorypets | Inventory Pets | | inventorytweaks | Inventory Tweaks | | itlt | It's the little things | | jei | Just Enough Items | | jeibees | JEI Bees | | jeiintegration | JEI Integration | | journeymap | JourneyMap | | justenoughdimensions | Just Enough Dimensions | | libvulpes | Vulpes library | | livingenchantment | Living Enchantment | | llibrary | LLibrary | | lostcities | The Lost Cities | | lostsouls | Lost Souls | | magicbees | MagicBees | | mainmenuscale | Main Menu Scale | | mantle | Mantle | | matteroverdrive | MatterOverdrive: Legacy Edition | | mcjtylib_ng | McJtyLib | | mcp | Minecraft Coder Pack | | meecreeps | MeeCreeps | | minecraft | Minecraft | | mob_grinding_utils | mob_grinding_utils | | modtweaker | Mod Tweaker | | mousetweaks | Mouse Tweaks | | mtlib | MTLib | | mtrm | MineTweakerRecipeMaker | | mysticalagradditions | Mystical Agradditions | | mysticalagriculture | Mystical Agriculture | | placebo | Placebo | | plants2 | Plants | | psi | Psi | | quark | Quark | | reborncore | Reborn Core | | redstoneflux | Redstone Flux | | resourceloader | Resource Loader | | rftools | RFTools | | rftoolsdim | RFTools Dimensions | | roughtweaks | Rough Tweaks | | rustic | Rustic | | rusticthaumaturgy | Rustic Thaumaturgy | | spiceoflife | The Spice of Life | | storagedrawers | Storage Drawers | | tcinventoryscan | Thaumcrafft Inventory Scanning | | tconstruct | Tinkers' Construct | | tellme | Tell Me | | thaumcraft | Thaumcraft | | thaumicenergistics | Thaumic Energistics | | thaumicjei | ThaumicJEI | | thaumicperiphery | Thaumic Periphery | | thebetweenlands | The Betweenlands | | theoneprobe | The One Probe | | tinkertoolleveling | Tinkers Tool Leveling | | tips | Tips | | trackapi | Track API | | triumph | Triumph | | twilightforest | The Twilight Forest | | weirdinggadget | The Weirding Gadget | | worldstripper | World Stripper | | zensummoning | Zen Summoning | +----------------------------+---------------------------------+ | ModID | Mod name | +----------------------------+---------------------------------+

kierajreed commented 5 years ago

Please edit your issue to have more information than just a screenshot and remove placeholders.

Kehaan commented 5 years ago

Please edit your issue to have more information than just a screenshot and remove placeholders.

Ok, that was embarrassing. I guess i did not correctly add the info xD As i had written it all, haha. Sorry. Have added text now.

Kehaan commented 5 years ago

Also a update. I removed all mods, and only have BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2-, DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.5, DynamicTreesBOP-1.12.2-1.4.1e, lostcities-1.12-2.0.20 in. And it still does the strange rendering of the leaves. Here is a newer log with only those 4 mods in, in a new world: logs.zip

kierajreed commented 5 years ago

Also, please use hastebin for error logs and stack traces to make it so that people don't need to download files.

Kehaan commented 5 years ago

Also, please use hastebin for error logs and stack traces to make it so that people don't need to download files.

I was not sure, which of the logs from the logs folder, that was needed. So i thought it was better to just upload them here, than use pastebin or hastebin :)

ferreusveritas commented 4 years ago

This bug only shows up when the leaves rendering is set to fast. It's also not a bug in the Dynamic Trees base mod but instead the Dynamic Trees BoP add-on.