DynamicTreesTeam / DynamicTrees

Minecraft Forge mod providing dynamic trees that progressively grow from seed to maturity.
MIT License
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DT trees start becoming Vanilla trees after loading X number of mods (FIXED). #802

Closed daydream-adrift closed 1 year ago

daydream-adrift commented 1 year ago

Context of the issue: Hey DT Team, recently I began modding Minecraft 1.12.2 with Dynamic Trees ver. 0.9.29, Forge ver. and after loading all my mods at once I noticed certain groups of trees in all biomes (modded and vanilla) were not blending with the dynamic trees around them. This led me to create a few fresh instances in MultiMC to simulate the occurrence of the problem and find the root.

Thinking this was being caused by a specific mod I began loading my mods in groups of 20 to start. This is where I discovered that the problem was gradual with dynamic trees sharing space with only a few vanilla trees at first and then seemingly being cut down by half the further down mods were added. After seeing this happen a couple of times (I was simulating instances to find issues with other mods, too) I thought I was dealing with multiple mods causing trouble so I began to get more granular. Starting again, I loaded mods in groups of 10 until the ugly vanilla moles started popping up, and thinking I had found the bad apple I disabled a single mod one after the other until the oddity vanished— or so I'd hoped.

Description of the "bug" and how to Reproduce: As I am implying above, disabling each one down the list of the latest 10 availed nothing. Disabling all 10 removed the issue of course so I shifted from disabling a specific mod each launch to re-enabling 1 or 2 mods until the rebirth of those trees. Now I've concluded that after I load in exactly 88 mods the pesky vanilla posers begin to emerge. It doesn't seem to matter which mod is the 88th to be added or removed. I dunno if it helps but the two I initially added to discover this were Iron Chests ver. and Inventory Pets ver. 2.0.15. And as I've stated before the issue is gradual, which I've also looked into and have found that after 116 of my mods loaded the Vanilla Tree Nation takes over almost half of the space once occupied by DT. These numbers may not be 100% because many of my mods are library mods, core mods etc., and I'm unsure how these impact things overall, however the couple I have used in my tests seem to effect things the exact same.

Additional context: I will include a log gist with the full list of mods I'm using below. A heads up: I am not using Optifine because it interferes with a major mod I'm using. I have tried disabling other world generation altering mods to fix this but as I've rigorously tested the problem stems from the quantity of mods, WG altering or not. I also looked into the config files to find any settings that might deflect all of this but found null.

[latest.log] https://gist.github.com/daydream-adrift/9d09875e85d7c5240e4a3e93a8ff37b4

I deeply hope someone over in your neck of the woods can look into this and discover a solution. I hate strongly disapprove of vanilla trees after the glorious experience of your mod and I will seriously consider exploring options to pursue a knowledge in coding in order to remedy it myself if you aren't able to :''')

Thank you for investing your time and/or effort in any way possible!

Yours, daydream-adrift

daydream-adrift commented 1 year ago

Hello DT Team, I have an update!

Since my posting over a week ago I went and messed around again with my mods and dug a bit deeper. Turns out that Inventory Pets, of all mods, actually had a random item edit to trees, placing loot chests at the top of the trunk forcing them to become vanilla trees. I also did some more investigation and discovered that 1) Recurrent Complex, a structures mod, was adding decorations to trees in the form of entire recreations of the default tree gens and 2) Industrial Craft 2 was adding one new tree: the rubber tree.

To fix these, I disabled loot chests and turned tree decoration weight to 0 in the respective config files for both Inventory Pets and Recurrent Complex. For IC2 I installed a compatibility patch for Dynamic Trees that I found on CurseForge (thank you MaxHyper!).

Also a side note: the tree gen effects that RecComplex provides can be disabled completely as apposed to reducing their spawn weight; just thought it was worth mentioning.

That is all, thank you DT Team for such an amazing mod!

...sorry for any inconvenience this post may have caused heheh~