Closed Snofres closed 1 year ago
Thank you for submitting the issue to us. We are sorry to see you get stuck with your workflow. While waiting for our team member to respond, please feel free to browse our forum at for more Dynamo related information.
Updated with further info.
It's obviously a known issue for Python.Net that it doensn't handle collection[index]. This thread shows a solution:
As a workaround this syntax can be used instead: styleId = cdoc.Styles.SurfaceStyles.get_Item("Standard")
@Snofres We appreciate the additional information you added here for other users. Glad you were able to address this.
Issue Description
Please fill in the following information to help us reproduce the issue: I can't call a surface style with it's name or by element index in list in cdoc.Styles.SurfaceStyles when using Python Script. This produces an unhandled exception and error message in the Python node. The drawing contains a Surface Style with name "Standard", but I can't call this in the Python Node in Dynamo, neither by name "Standard" or by index, e.g. styleId = cdoc.Styles.SurfaceStyles[3]. Creating a TIN-surface with e.g. surfaceId = TinSurface.Create(surfaceName, styleName) produces the same error, when styleName is an existing style, e.g "Standard" or cdoc.Styles.SurfaceStyles[x]. Creating a TIN-surface with this method is successfull when a new surface style is created in the same script, e.g with styleId = cdoc.Styles.SurfaceStyles.Add("example style")
Dynamo version
Operating system
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19044.0
What did you do?
Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import sys import clr
Add Assemblies for AutoCAD and Civil3D
clr.AddReference('AcMgd') clr.AddReference('AcCoreMgd') clr.AddReference('AcDbMgd') clr.AddReference('AecBaseMgd') clr.AddReference('AecPropDataMgd') clr.AddReference('AeccDbMgd')
Import references from AutoCAD
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime import from Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices import from Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput import from Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices import from Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry import *
Import references from Civil3D
from Autodesk.Civil.ApplicationServices import from Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices import
The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
adoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument editor = adoc.Editor styleId=[] with adoc.LockDocument(): with adoc.Database as db:
Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = styleId
What did you expect to see?
I exected the node to output the Surface Style
What did you see instead?
typeerror no method matches given arguments for OnExit. Unhandled exeption:
Application does not support just-in-time (JIT) debugging. See the end of this message for details.
** Exception Text ** System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Transaction.CheckTopTransaction() at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Transaction.GetObject(ObjectId id, OpenMode mode) at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DynamoApp.Services.TraceData.RemoveTraceDataFromDocumentByBindingNodeIds(IEnumerableb_1(AsyncTask )
at Dynamo.Scheduler.AsyncTaskCompletedHandler.Invoke(AsyncTask asyncTask)
at Dynamo.Scheduler.AsyncTask.HandleTaskCompletion()
at Dynamo.Scheduler.DynamoScheduler.ProcessTaskInternal(AsyncTask asyncTask)
at Dynamo.Scheduler.DynamoScheduler.ProcessNextTask(Boolean waitIfTaskQueueIsEmpty)
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DynamoApp.SchedulerThread.ExecuteInApplicationContextCallback(Object userData)
at myCallback(Void* data)
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.DocumentCollection.ExecuteInApplicationContext(ExecuteInApplicationContextCallback callback, Object data)
at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.raise_Idle(Object value0, EventArgs value1)
at Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.OnIdle()
1 guids) at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DynamoApp.Services.TraceData.SaveTraceDataToDocument(HomeWorkspaceModel hws) at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DynamoApp.AcDynamoModel.OnRefreshCompleted(Object sender, EvaluationCompletedEventArgs e) at System.EventHandler
1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) at Dynamo.Graph.Workspaces.HomeWorkspaceModel.OnRefreshCompleted(EvaluationCompletedEventArgs e) at Dynamo.Scheduler.AsyncTaskExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.What packages or external references (if any) were used?
Stack Trace