DynamoDS / Dynamo

Open Source Graphical Programming for Design
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Crash report from Dynamo #15253

Open MohamedOsama211 opened 1 month ago

MohamedOsama211 commented 1 month ago

Issue Description

Please fill in the following information to help us reproduce the issue:

What did you do?

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What did you expect to see?

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What did you see instead?

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What packages or external references (if any) were used?

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Stack Trace

(From the Dynamo crash window select 'Details' -> 'Copy' and paste here)
```HRESULT: [0x887A0005], Module: [SharpDX.DXGI], ApiCode: [DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED/DeviceRemoved], Message: The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.

   at SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
   at SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CreateTexture2D(Texture2DDescription& descRef, DataBox[] initialDataRef, Texture2D texture2DOut)
   at HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.DPFCanvas.CreateAndBindTargets()
   at HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.DPFCanvas.<OnRenderSizeChanged>b__77_0()
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

OS: `Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0`
CLR: `4.0.30319.42000`
Dynamo: ``
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hello MohamedOsama211, thank you for submitting this issue! We are super excited that you want to help us make Dynamo all that it can be. However, given that there has been no additional information added, this issue will be closed for now. Please reopen and provide additional information if you wish the Dynamo team to investigate further.

Additional information:

avidit commented 4 weeks ago

@MohamedOsama211 Is it possible for you to upgrade Dynamo to 2.7 or higher?