One of the missing links in Dynamos Geometry Engine are Curve and Surface rebuilding tools (or, rather, nodes). They're pretty fundamental in the realm of computational design and it would be good to see the following nodes (and to start making inroads to redefine Dynamo as a powerful computational design tool!):
Dynamo version
Improvement Suggestion
One of the missing links in Dynamos Geometry Engine are Curve and Surface rebuilding tools (or, rather, nodes). They're pretty fundamental in the realm of computational design and it would be good to see the following nodes (and to start making inroads to redefine Dynamo as a powerful computational design tool!):
Curve Curve.RebuildNumberOfPoints Curve.RefitWithTolerance Curve.RebuildUniformKnots Curve.ChangeCurveOrder Curve.FairCurvature Curve.EditWieght Curve.EditKnots Curve.EditKinks
Surface/NurbsSurface Surface.ReverseUV Surface.SwapUV Surface.ChangeOrder Surface.RebuildReduceData Surface.RebuildRefitWithTolerance Surface.RebuildWithNumberOfPoles Surface.MakeUniformKnots