DynamoDS / DynamoWishlist

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Custom Dynamo Group Style settings #268

Open Thomas84 opened 2 weeks ago

Thomas84 commented 2 weeks ago

Dynamo Version

2.19 3.03


Revit 2024.2 Revit 2025.1

What improvement/feature would you like to see in Dynamo?

Let us remove the standard group styles in Dynamosettings.xml and don't overwrite adjustments with the default group styles. At the moment all adjustments in the DynamoSettings for the group styles are ignored. It is possible to import the DynamoSettings.xml in the Preferences UI and the groups are correct, but as soon as I restart Dynamo the custom group styles are gone and replaced with the default group styles. It impossible to establish a standard in the company, if everyone has to load the settings manually each time Dynamo starts.

Our settings for Dynamo 2.19: DynamoSettings.zip

How would you see this improvement/feature working?

don't overwrite adjustments in the Dynamosettings.xml with the default group styles

reference to the Dynamo forum: https://forum.dynamobim.com/t/default-group-styles-in-preferences-greyed-out/99835/4

avidit commented 2 weeks ago

Tracked internally: DYN_7160