DynamoDS / RevitTestFramework

Unit Testing on Revit
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GUI opens and immediatelly closes Revit without running tests #107

Open kkorus94 opened 3 years ago

kkorus94 commented 3 years ago


I have a problem with both GUI and Console applications.

GUI starts Revit, but doesn't perform tests and closes after few seconds. Then the Application still works, but nothing happens. If "continuous" is checked, Revit starts only once: 2020-12-01_07h32_16 If "continuous" is unchecked, it starts once for every test that should be performed. However, none of them is. image

Console application throws this exception: 2020-11-29_10h53_24

The same happens for both Revit 2021 and Revit Preview Release.

Initially, I had both versions of Revit with automatically installed DynamoForRevit. Then I did steps (for both versions):

Further steps:

Building doesn't show any errors, but the result is as I described.

Do You have any idea what can cause this error? Maybe it is because of the different drives of installation? Should I do some more configurations?

Thank You.

maxb77 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I came across the same problem. In my case it seems that Revit can't open rfa files stored in Documents folder (maybe a permissions issue?). Debug shows that the Revit process starts with the correct journal, but then it closes without opening any rfa/rvt file. So RTF doesn't create any results file, the reason for which you see 0 for for Skipped, Failed and Passed. I also tried to start the Revit process as administrator (StartInfo.Verb = "runas") but nothing changed. I solved moving the working folder under C:\

Hope this could help