DynamoDS / RevitTestFramework

Unit Testing on Revit
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Running the RevitTestFrameWork with 2023 #112

Open talisman opened 1 year ago

talisman commented 1 year ago

Hi , I want to use this Framework for testing my revit plugins , no dynamo involved at this point . I git cloned this repo, replaced the Revit references with DLLs from Revit 2023 and compiled it successfully. I created a solution with two projects - one for my production code the other for testing . The testing one references the production as well as the RTFRevit.dll and the RevitTestFrameworkTypes.dll . Both the production and the test projects compiles fine.
Once I run the GUI version I get the list of Revit Versions installed on my machine which indicated that I am in the right direction. Once I choose the Dll containing the test, specify the working folder and the results file, select (test or multiple tests) and click run - nothing happens . When I run the Console version with all the required parameters I get output of the tests discoverd and the models and an error :

Attempting to resolve referenced assembly: RevitTestFrameworkTypes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Found assembly:C:\_home\src\ApartmentAreas\ApartmentAreasTests\bin\Debug\RevitTestFrameworkTypes.dll
Loaded test: Name: CanCollectAreaSchemes, Model Path: C:\_home\src\ApartmentAreas\ApartmentAreasTests\2022.ApartmentAreasTests.rvt (C:\_home\src\ApartmentAreas\ApartmentAreasTests\2022.ApartmentAreasTests.rvt)
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Xml.XmlComment' to type 'System.Xml.XmlElement'.

I get the same errors when trying to run against the SampleTests that ship with the repo . Any idea where this issue comes from ?