DynamoMTL / shopify-pipeline

Shopify Pipeline - A modern pipeline for Shopify theme development
MIT License
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merging manual hotfixes from shopify theme editor? #96

Open lastobelus opened 6 years ago

lastobelus commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this great tool!

I have a client who I'm transitioning gradually to a modern web dev workflow. For a while, we don't want to lose the ability for them to make hotfixes & tests manually on their site (they developed a very successful store with hundreds of templates & snippets using only the online theme editor).

Currently I just build sass/js and into a themekit-managed repo, and merge back manual changes by checking out master, downloading the current live theme, committing, and merging master to current feature branches.

If I want to use shopify-pipeline, I can probably still do this by keeping the dist folder in git, and then manually applying a diff on the dist folder back to the src folder, but I was wondering if you had any tips or a better way?