When running the test suite for DrMemory the drsyscall_test fails on all builds.
14/18 Testing: drsyscall_test
14/18 Test: drsyscall_test
Command: "C:/RCOS_build/drmemory_test_suite/build_drmemory-dbg-64/dynamorio/bin64/drrun.exe" "-debug" "-client" "C:/RCOS_build/drmemory_test_suite/build_drmemory-dbg-64/tests/drsyscall_test.client.dll" "0" "" "-msgbox_mask" "0" "--" "C:/RCOS_build/drmemory_test_suite/build_drmemory-dbg-64/tests/drsyscall_test.exe"
Directory: C:/RCOS_build/drmemory_test_suite/build_drmemory-dbg-64/tests/framework
"drsyscall_test" start time: Mar 09 18:03 Eastern Daylight Time
WARNING: cannot find C:\RCOS_build\drmemory_test_suite\build_drmemory-dbg-64\dynamorio/lib32\drpreinject.dll: is this an incomplete installation?
WARNING: cannot find C:\RCOS_build\drmemory_test_suite\build_drmemory-dbg-64\dynamorio/lib32\release\dynamorio.dll: is this an incomplete installation?
WARNING: cannot find C:\RCOS_build\drmemory_test_suite\build_drmemory-dbg-64\dynamorio/lib32\debug\dynamorio.dll: is this an incomplete installation?
WARNING: cannot find C:\RCOS_build\drmemory_test_suite\build_drmemory-dbg-64\dynamorio/lib64\release\dynamorio.dll: is this an incomplete installation?
WARNING: C:\RCOS_build\drmemory_test_suite\build_drmemory-dbg-64\dynamorio does not appear to be a valid DynamoRIO root
<Starting application C:\RCOS_build\drmemory_test_suite\build_drmemory-dbg-64\tests\drsyscall_test.exe (6704)>
<Initial options = -no_dynamic_options -client_lib 'C:\RCOS_build\drmemory_test_suite\build_drmemory-dbg-64\tests\drsyscall_test.client.dll;0;' -code_api -probe_api -msgbox_mask 0 -stack_size 56K -max_elide_jmp 0 -max_elide_call 0 -no_inline_ignored_syscalls -native_exec_default_list '' -no_native_exec_managed_code -no_indcall2direct -pad_jmps_mark_no_trace >
ASSERT FAILURE: C:\RCOS_build\drmemory\tests\framework\drsyscall_client.c:191: false (no syscalls in this app should fail)
<end of output>
Test time = 1.27 sec
Test Fail Reason:
Required regular expression not found.Regex=[TEST PASSED
"drsyscall_test" end time: Mar 09 18:03 Eastern Daylight Time
"drsyscall_test" time elapsed: 00:00:01
This occurs because the test assumes every OS has a syscall 0, but the Windows 8.1 upgrade has changed this syscall. A proposed solution is to use syscall 1 in the test suite, assuming every operating system has a syscall 1.
When running the test suite for DrMemory the drsyscall_test fails on all builds.
This occurs because the test assumes every OS has a syscall 0, but the Windows 8.1 upgrade has changed this syscall. A proposed solution is to use syscall 1 in the test suite, assuming every operating system has a syscall 1.