DynamoRIO / drmemory

Memory Debugger for Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android
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Beginner #1698

Open frantzgac opened 9 years ago

frantzgac commented 9 years ago

Hello I try drmemory first time to find memory leak in C++ Builder 6 application. Usage of Dr Memory seems not possible 1) WIth line number option in EDI DrMemory shows "no line number" 2) Each run of any program builded by C++ or Delphi crash DrMemory (joined picture). Empty project crash DrMemory only on exit. 3) A empty project of C++ Builder contains (from DrMemory) many "potential error". How find my errors if an empty project contains its ? Thanks for your suggest image1

derekbruening commented 9 years ago

Re: line numbers: see http://drmemory.org/docs/page_prep.html#sec_prep_debuginfo which states that Dr. Memory supports symbols in PDB and DWARF2 formats. I don't know what you mean by "EDI". What format are your symbols in?

Re: crashes: please try running under debug build with the options "-debug -dr_debug", and try the steps under Narrowing Down the Source of the Problem at https://github.com/DynamoRIO/drmemory/wiki/Debugging, to get more information. Please provide us with a minimal reproducing application and specify the complete environment (kernel version and bitwidth, tool version, etc.) so that we can try to reproduce and fix the problem. Check whether you have invasive security software injecting code into your applications, which has been known to interfere with Dr. Memory in the past.

Re: potential errors: see http://drmemory.org/docs/page_running.html#sec_potential_errors Dr. Memory is running all user-mode code including system libraries. In some cases system libraries perform questionable actions that are not easy to identify as being completely independent of the application. These issues are called "potential errors". Normally the heuristics that split them from normal errors are pretty good and they can be ignored. They are provided for completeness.