DynamoRIO / drmemory

Memory Debugger for Windows, Linux, Mac, and Android
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run error #2501

Open yuansunliang1988 opened 6 days ago

yuansunliang1988 commented 6 days ago

When I turn on memory leak detection for the Sunshine project(https://github.com/LizardByte/Sunshine), Sunshine runs for a few seconds and then the application exits, this is the error log for the exit use: drmemory.exe -check_leaks -count_leaks -possible_leaks -logdir "d:\log" C:\Users\liam.yuan\Documents\WXWork\1688858250575346\Cache\File\2024-06\Nara-v0.0.26\Nara.exe

WARNING: new/delete has no local wrapper => disabling mismatch detection for msvcrt.dll WARNING: new/delete has no local wrapper => disabling mismatch detection for msvcrt.dll WARNING: new/delete has no local wrapper => disabling mismatch detection for msvcrt.dll WARNING: new == new[] => disabling mismatch detection for msvcrt.dll WARNING: new/delete has no local wrapper => disabling mismatch detection for msvcrt.dll WARNING: new/delete has no local wrapper => disabling mismatch detection for msvcrt.dll

module load event: "IMM32.dll" 0x00007ffa7ba20000-0x00007ffa7ba51000 modid: 29 C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL

module load event: "combase.dll" 0x00007ffa7bb40000-0x00007ffa7bec8000 modid: 30 C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll WARNING: free/delete/delete[] are collapsed together, disabling mismatch detection for combase.dll

module load event: "SHLWAPI.dll" 0x00007ffa7c030000-0x00007ffa7c08e000 modid: 31 C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll

module load event: "USER32.dll" 0x00007ffa7c260000-0x00007ffa7c40e000 modid: 32 C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll WARNING: error finding UserConnectToServer syscall # module load event: "SETUPAPI.dll" 0x00007ffa7c410000-0x00007ffa7c884000 modid: 33 C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.dll

module load event: "WLDAP32.dll" 0x00007ffa7c8f0000-0x00007ffa7c951000 modid: 34 C:\Windows\System32\WLDAP32.dll

module load event: "ole32.dll" 0x00007ffa7cb30000-0x00007ffa7ccd5000 modid: 35 C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll WARNING: free/delete/delete[] are collapsed together, disabling mismatch detection for ole32.dll

module load event: "WS2_32.dll" 0x00007ffa7cce0000-0x00007ffa7cd51000 modid: 36 C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll

module load event: "SHELL32.dll" 0x00007ffa7cd60000-0x00007ffa7d5bc000 modid: 37 C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll

module load event: "SECHOST.dll" 0x00007ffa7d5c0000-0x00007ffa7d668000 modid: 38 C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll

module load event: "ntdll.dll" 0x00007ffa7d6b0000-0x00007ffa7d8c6000 modid: 39 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll WARNING: fail to find call to RtlFreeStringRoutine WARNING: fail to find call to RtlFreeStringRoutine WARNING: fail to find call to RtlFreeStringRoutine

NEW THREAD: main thread 28996

Error #1: UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS beyond top of stack: reading 0x000000266bfff440-0x000000266bfff448 8 byte(s)

0 .text (0x00007ff660430c2b <Sunshine.exe+0x1650c2b>) modid:3

1 _pei386_runtime_relocator (0x00007ff66043007e <Sunshine.exe+0x165007e>) modid:3

2 __tmainCRTStartup (0x00007ff65ede1228 <Sunshine.exe+0x1228>) modid:3

3 .l_start (0x00007ff65ede1406 <Sunshine.exe+0x1406>) modid:3

4 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart (0x00007ffa7d70aa48 <ntdll.dll+0x5aa48>) modid:39

Note: @0:00:00.162 in thread 28996 Note: 0x000000266bfff440 refers to 856 byte(s) beyond the top of the stack 0x000000266bfff798 Note: instruction: or $0x0000000000000000 (%rcx) -> (%rcx) error end

module load event: "CRYPTBASE.dll" 0x00007ffa7a1f0000-0x00007ffa7a1fc000 modid: 40 C:\Windows\System32\cryptbase.dll

module load event: "bcryptPrimitives.dll" 0x00007ffa7b0d0000-0x00007ffa7b149000 modid: 41 C:\Windows\System32\bcryptprimitives.dll WARNING: unhandled system calls found WARNING: unknown ioctl 0x390008 => op 2

Potential Error #1: UNINITIALIZED READ: reading register eax

0 KERNELBASE.dll!LocalBaseRegQueryValue (0x00007ffa7ad4ab2c <KERNELBASE.dll+0x2ab2c>) modid:21

1 KERNELBASE.dll!RegQueryValueExA (0x00007ffa7ad48259 <KERNELBASE.dll+0x28259>) modid:21

2 WS2_32.dll!ReadRegistryEntry (0x00007ffa7ccee9b3 <WS2_32.dll+0xe9b3>) modid:36

3 WS2_32.dll!OpenWinSockRegistryRoot (0x00007ffa7cceda5a <WS2_32.dll+0xda5a>) modid:36

4 WS2_32.dll!DPROCESS::Initialize (0x00007ffa7cced494 <WS2_32.dll+0xd494>) modid:36

5 WS2_32.dll!DPROCESS::DProcessClassInitialize (0x00007ffa7ccef319 <WS2_32.dll+0xf319>) modid:36

6 WS2_32.dll!WSAStartup (0x00007ffa7ccef167 <WS2_32.dll+0xf167>) modid:36

7 boost::asio::detail::winsock_init_base::startup (0x00007ff65eebefa7 <Sunshine.exe+0xdefa7>) modid:3

8 _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN5platf4dxgi13duplication_t10next_frameER23DXGI_OUTDUPL_FRAME_INFONSt6chrono8durationIxSt5ratioILx1ELx1000EEEEPP13IDXGIResource (0x00007ff660656ce4 <Sunshine.exe+0x1876ce4>) modid:3

9 __do_global_ctors (0x00007ff66042fbf2 <Sunshine.exe+0x164fbf2>) modid:3

10 __tmainCRTStartup (0x00007ff65ede12c8 <Sunshine.exe+0x12c8>) modid:3

11 .l_start (0x00007ff65ede1406 <Sunshine.exe+0x1406>) modid:3

12 ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart (0x00007ffa7d70aa48 <ntdll.dll+0x5aa48>) modid:39

Note: @0:00:00.627 in thread 28996 Note: instruction: cmp (%rsi) %eax error end

yuansunliang1988 commented 6 days ago

I forgot to mention that I'm using mingw64 to compile sunshine.