DynamoRIO / drmemory

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POSSIBLE LEAK: ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionList entries #306

Open derekbruening opened 9 years ago

derekbruening commented 9 years ago

From bruen...@google.com on February 24, 2011 13:26:50

the unaddr in issue #301, once addressed, becomes a possible leak

Error #2: POSSIBLE LEAK 32 direct bytes 0x00cb8668-0x00cb8688 + 0 indirect bytes 0x779b7eb9 <ntdll.dll+0x37eb9> ntdll.dll!RtlRunOnceBeginInitialize ??:0 0x779b42ea <ntdll.dll+0x342ea> ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection ??:0 0x779bfd83 <ntdll.dll+0x3fd83> ntdll.dll!EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW ??:0 0x779bfd51 <ntdll.dll+0x3fd51> ntdll.dll!EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW ??:0 0x779bfba3 <ntdll.dll+0x3fba3> ntdll.dll!EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW ??:0 0x779bfb6f <ntdll.dll+0x3fb6f> ntdll.dll!EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW ??:0 0x779b3070 <ntdll.dll+0x33070> ntdll.dll!RtlInterlockedFlushSList ??:0 0x0117c00b <hello.exe+0xc00b> hello.exe!_calloc_impl f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\calloc_impl.c:94
0x0117496c <hello.exe+0x496c> hello.exe!_calloc_crt f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crtheap.c:61
0x01173a2e <hello.exe+0x3a2e> hello.exe!_setenvp f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\stdenvp.c:127
0x770c3677 <KERNEL32.dll+0x13677> KERNEL32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk ??:0 0x779b9f02 <ntdll.dll+0x39f02> ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain ??:0

really the top frames are: ntdll!RtlpAllocateDebugInfo+0x28: ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection+0x12:

on laptop have better symbols. the 32 bytes == 0x20 is the same as the original unaddr where 8 bytes in is stored on ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionList. is it an extra header?

Error #1: POSSIBLE LEAK 32 direct bytes 0x00ca82a0-0x00ca82c0 + 0 indirect bytes 0x77d57eb9 <ntdll.dll+0x37eb9> ntdll.dll!RtlpAllocateDebugInfo ??:0 0x77d542ea <ntdll.dll+0x342ea> ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection ??:0 0x77d5fd83 <ntdll.dll+0x3fd83> ntdll.dll!RtlpInitializeLowFragHeap ??:0 0x77d5fd51 <ntdll.dll+0x3fd51> ntdll.dll!RtlpCreateLowFragHeap ??:0 0x77d5fba3 <ntdll.dll+0x3fba3> ntdll.dll!RtlpPerformHeapMaintenance ??:0 0x77d5fb6f <ntdll.dll+0x3fb6f> ntdll.dll!RtlpAllocateHeap ??:0 0x77d53070 <ntdll.dll+0x33070> ntdll.dll!RtlAllocateHeap ??:0 0x77d738b2 <ntdll.dll+0x538b2> ntdll.dll!RtlFlsAlloc ??:0 0x774e2e00 <KERNELBASE.dll+0x12e00> KERNELBASE.dll!FlsAlloc ??:0 0x00df4736 <hello.exe+0x4736> hello.exe!_mtinit f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\tidtable.c:385
0x75903677 <KERNEL32.dll+0x13677> KERNEL32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk ??:0 0x77d59f02 <ntdll.dll+0x39f02> ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart ??:0

    (0x00c86d50 points to mid-chunk 0x00ca82a8 in 0x00ca82a0-0x00ca82c0)
    is_vtable 0x00ca89f0: 2, 3

but there's no size in the header. (0x00d16d50 points to mid-chunk 0x00d382a8 in 0x00d382a0-0x00d382c0) (0x00d389f4 points to mid-chunk 0x00d382a8 in 0x00d382a0-0x00d382c0)

0:000> dd d382a0 00d382a0 00000000 00d1aaa8 00d389f0 00d16d50

to identify would want to walk this doubly-linked list, but ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionList is not exported:

0:000> dd ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionList L4 77e20168 77e24348 00d38ab0 77e20170 77e20170 0:000> dd 00d38ab0 L4 00d38ab0 77e20168 00d38a78 00000000 00000000 0:000> dd 00d38a78 L4 00d38a78 00d38ab0 00d38a40 00000000 00000000 0:000> dd 00d38a40 L4 00d38a40 00d38a78 00d389f0 00000000 00000000 0:000> dd 00d389f0 L4 00d389f0 00d38a40 00d382a8 00000000 00000000 0:000> dd 00d382a8 L4 00d382a8 00d389f0 00d16d50 00000000 00000000

prior 8 bytes: 0:000> dd ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionList-8 L4 77e20160 77e20160 77e20160 77e24348 00d38ab0 0:000> dd 00d38ab0-8 L4 00d38aa8 00000000 01080048 77e20168 00d38a78 0:000> dd 00d38a78-8 L4 00d38a70 00000000 00f90aa4 00d38ab0 00d38a40 0:000> dd 00d38a40-8 L4 00d38a38 00000000 00f90a64 00d38a78 00d389f0 0:000> dd 00d389f0-8 L4 00d389e8 00000000 00f90a24 00d38a40 00d382a8 0:000> dd 00d382a8-8 L4 00d382a0 00000000 00d1aaa8 00d389f0 00d16d50

walking backward from RtlCriticalSectionList: 77e24340 ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionLock_DEBUG = 0:000> dd 77e24348-8 L4 77e24340 00000000 77e220d8 77e24368 77e20168 0:000> dd 77e24368-8 L4 77e24360 00000000 77e220c0 77e24908 77e24348 0:000> ln 77e220d8 (77e220d8) ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionLock | (77e24340) ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionLock_DEBUG Exact matches: ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionLock = 0:000> ln 77e220c0 (77e220c0) ntdll!LdrpLoaderLock | (77e220d8) ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionLock Exact matches: ntdll!LdrpLoaderLock =

proposal: add to default suppression:

POSSIBLE LEAK ... ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection

that covers both machines' callstacks. if someone allocates a crit sec and loses all pointers, should get true leak, so shouldn't cause false neg.

Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/drmemory/issues/detail?id=306

derekbruening commented 9 years ago

From derek.br...@gmail.com on February 24, 2011 21:16:02

This issue was closed by revision r191 .

Status: Fixed

derekbruening commented 9 years ago

From rnk@google.com on January 17, 2012 09:49:22

Looks like we have another code path that can create this possible leak: http://build.chromium.org/p/client.drmemory/builders/win-vista_x64-drm/builds/1683/steps/dbg%20full%20app_suite_tests/logs/stdio Dr.M Error #3: POSSIBLE LEAK 32 direct bytes 0x00d5dee8-0x00d5df08 + 0 indirect bytes Dr.M # 0 ntdll.dll!RtlInitOutOfProcessMemoryStream +0x87 (0x77e3081d <ntdll.dll+0x7081d>) Dr.M # 1 ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount +0x18 (0x77e19ec5 <ntdll.dll+0x59ec5>) Dr.M # 2 RPCRT4.dll!? +0x0 (0x7757046f <RPCRT4.dll+0x1046f>) Dr.M # 3 RPCRT4.dll!RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExW +0x44c (0x7757fec5 <RPCRT4.dll+0x1fec5>) Dr.M # 4 RPCRT4.dll!RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExW +0x3cf (0x7757fe48 <RPCRT4.dll+0x1fe48>) Dr.M # 5 RPCRT4.dll!RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExW +0x331 (0x7757fdaa <RPCRT4.dll+0x1fdaa>) Dr.M # 6 RPCRT4.dll!NdrConformantStringMemorySize +0x7e3 (0x77580983 <RPCRT4.dll+0x20983>) Dr.M # 7 RPCRT4.dll!NdrConformantStringMemorySize +0x765 (0x77580905 <RPCRT4.dll+0x20905>) Dr.M # 8 RPCRT4.dll!UuidCreate +0x662 (0x775771dd <RPCRT4.dll+0x171dd>) Dr.M # 9 RPCRT4.dll!I_RpcGetBuffer +0xe (0x775761b4 <RPCRT4.dll+0x161b4>) Dr.M #10 RPCRT4.dll!NdrGetBuffer +0x2d (0x77577631 <RPCRT4.dll+0x17631>) Dr.M #11 RPCRT4.dll!? +0x0 (0x77610120 <RPCRT4.dll+0xb0120>)

Seems reasonable to me to add a suppression of:

POSSIBLE LEAK name=default issue #306 (critical section 8-byte-in pointer) ... ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount

Status: Accepted

derekbruening commented 9 years ago

From rnk@google.com on January 17, 2012 10:58:42

Hm, I can't decide if this is the same issue or if it should be separately considered under issue #385 .

On the one hand, this is basically the same report described in this issue: a 32-byte possible leak with a mid-chunk root from RtlInitializeCriticalSection(AndSpinCount). On the other hand, the report looks slightly different, which could just be from different versions of Windows, ie 7 vs Vista.