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Add new record filter tool for public release of traces #6662

Open edeiana opened 9 months ago

edeiana commented 9 months ago

We want to create a new tool to filter traces of Google workloads for public release. The new public Google workload traces will contain more information compared to the previous version, while still preserving confidentiality of Google's IP.

Main features of new public traces:

AssadHashmi commented 7 months ago

We'd like to raise a point of discussion about the use of DR_REG_V as a prefix for virtual registers. Most Arm programmers' documentation uses V for vector registers, e.g.ADD Vd.4S, Vn.4S, Vm.4S.

The DynamoRIO user documentation uses R for reasons of convention and generality, e.g.INSTR_CREATE_add_vector(dc, Rd, Rm, Rn, width), see: https://dynamorio.org/dr__ir__macros__aarch64_8h.html#ad6fa6d2ab7764783481efd209cf11b76

A new or relatively inexperienced user may probably and intuitively but wrongly try something like this first:

INSTR_CREATE_add_vector(dc, opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_V0), opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_V1), opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_V2), OPND_CREATE_SINGLE())

Rather than the correct:

INSTR_CREATE_add_vector(dc, opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_Q0), opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_Q1), opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_Q2), OPND_CREATE_SINGLE())

or e.g.

INSTR_CREATE_add_vector(dc, opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_D20), opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_D10), opnd_create_reg(DR_REG_D14), OPND_CREATE_HALF())

This possible stumbling block is probably less of a problem for scalable vectors, e.g. INSTR_CREATE_add_sve(dc, Zd, Zn, Zm), because the documentation implies DR_REG_Z, see https://dynamorio.org/dr__ir__macros__aarch64_8h.html#a14d0f0b7fad176b301539c3e9254771b

What do you think? Are we worrying unnecessarily? Is the level of DR knowledge required to use instruction macros in e.g. clients, enough for developers to know which register names/IDs are correct?

derekbruening commented 7 months ago


AssadHashmi commented 7 months ago


That's fine.

edeiana commented 7 months ago

Thank you for pointing this out @AssadHashmi ! Will change from DR_REG_V to DR_REG_VIRT as @derekbruening suggested.