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Update rubocop-rspec 2.26.1 → 2.29.2 (minor) #747

Closed depfu[bot] closed 1 month ago

depfu[bot] commented 2 months ago

Here is everything you need to know about this update. Please take a good look at what changed and the test results before merging this pull request.

What changed?

✳️ rubocop-rspec (2.26.1 → 2.29.2) · Repo · Changelog

Release Notes


  • Fix beginless and endless range bug for RepeatedIncludeExample cop. (@hasghari)
  • Fix a false positive for RSpec/RepeatedSubjectCall when subject is used as argument to function call. (@K-S-A)


  • Fix an error in the default configuration. (@ydah)


  • Fix an autocorrect error for RSpec/ExpectActual. (@bquorning)
  • Add new RSpec/UndescriptiveLiteralsDescription cop. (@ydah)
  • Add new RSpec/EmptyOutput cop. (@bquorning)


  • Extract RSpec Rails cops to a separate repository, rubocop-rspec_rails. The rubocop-rspec_rails repository is a dependency of rubocop-rspec and the cops related to rspec-rails are aliased (RSpec/Rails/Foo == RSpecRails/Foo) until v3.0 is released, so the change will be invisible to users until then. (@ydah)


  • Fix a false positive for RSpec/RepeatedSubjectCall when subject.method_call. (@ydah)
  • Add configuration option OnlyStaticConstants to RSpec/DescribedClass. (@ydah)


  • Add new RSpec/IsExpectedSpecify cop. (@ydah)
  • Add new RSpec/RepeatedSubjectCall cop. (@drcapulet)
  • Add support for assert_true, assert_false, assert_not_equal, assert_not_nil, *_empty, *_predicate, *_kind_of, *_in_delta, *_match, *_instance_of and *_includes assertions in RSpec/Rails/MinitestAssertions. (@ydah, @G-Rath)
  • Support asserts with messages in Rspec/BeEmpty. (@G-Rath)
  • Fix a false positive for RSpec/ExpectActual when used with rspec-rails routing matchers. (@naveg)
  • Add configuration option ResponseMethods to RSpec/Rails/HaveHttpStatus. (@ydah)
  • Fix a false negative for RSpec/DescribedClass when class with constant. (@ydah)
  • Fix a false positive for RSpec/ExampleWithoutDescription when specify with multi-line block and missing description. (@ydah)
  • Fix an incorrect autocorrect for RSpec/ChangeByZero when compound expectations with line break before .by(0). (@ydah)

Does any of this look wrong? Please let us know.


See the full diff on Github. The new version differs by more commits than we can show here.

↗️ json (indirect, 2.7.1 → 2.7.2) · Repo · Changelog

Release Notes


What's Changed

  • Use rb_sym2str instead of SYM2ID by @jhawthorn in #561
  • Fix memory leak when exception is raised during JSON generation by @peterzhu2118 in #574
  • Remove references to "19" methods in JRuby by @headius in #576
  • Make OpenStruct support as optional by @hsbt in #565
  • Autoload JSON::GenericObject to avoid require ostruct warning in Ruby 3.4 by @tompng in #577
  • Warn to install ostruct if json couldn't load it by @hsbt in #578

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.7.1...v2.7.2

Does any of this look wrong? Please let us know.


See the full diff on Github. The new version differs by 21 commits:

↗️ parser (indirect, → · Repo · Changelog


See the full diff on Github. The new version differs by 9 commits:

↗️ rubocop (indirect, 1.60.2 → 1.63.4) · Repo · Changelog

Release Notes


Bug fixes

  • #12871: Fix an error for rubocop -V when .rubocop.yml contains ERB. (@earlopain)
  • #12862: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantLineContinuation when line continuations involve return with a return value. (@koic)
  • #12664: Fix handling of textDocument/diagnostic. (@muxcmux)
  • #12865: Fix Rails Cops, which weren't reporting any violations unless running with bundle exec. (@amomchilov)


Bug fixes

  • #12857: Fix false negatives for Lint/UnreachableCode when using pattern matching. (@koic)
  • #12852: Fix an error for Lint/EmptyFile in formatters when using cache. (@earlopain)
  • #12848: Fix an error that occurs in RuboCop::Lockfile when the constant Bundler is uninitialized. (@koic)


  • #12855: Set custom program name for the built-in LSP server. (@koic)


Bug fixes

  • #12843: Fix an error for Lint/MixedCaseRange when a character between Z and a is used in the regexp range. (@koic)
  • #12846: Fix an error for RuboCop::Lockfile when there is no Bundler environment. (@koic)
  • #12832: Fix an error for Style/ArgumentsForwarding when using block arg in nested method definitions. (@koic)
  • #12841: Fix false negatives for Lint/UnreachableLoop when using pattern matching. (@koic)
  • #12835: Allow global offenses to be disabled by directive comments. (@earlopain)


  • #12845: Exclude debug/open_nonstop from Lint/Debugger by default. (@koic)


Bug fixes

  • #12828: Fix a false positive for Lint/AssignmentInCondition if assigning inside a method call. (@earlopain)
  • #12823: Fixed "uninitialized constant RuboCop::Lockfile::Bundler", caused when running RuboCop without bundler exec on codebases that use rubocop-rails. (@amomchilov)


New features

Bug fixes

  • #12769: Fix a false positive for Lint/RedundantWithIndex when calling with_index with receiver and a block. (@koic)
  • #12547: Added a comment recommending upgrading to the latest version of Rubocop in the error text when an Infinite loop detected error occurs. (@Hiroto-Iizuka)
  • #12782: Fix an error for Style/Alias with EnforcedStyle: prefer_alias when calling alias_method with fewer than 2 arguments. (@earlopain)
  • #12781: Fix an error for Style/ExactRegexpMatch when calling match without a receiver. (@earlopain)
  • #12780: Fix an error for Style/RedundantEach when using reverse_each.each without a block. (@earlopain)
  • #12731: Treat &. the same way as . for setter methods in Lint/AssignmentInCondition. (@jonas054)
  • #12793: Fix false positives for Style/RedundantLineContinuation when using line continuation with modifier. (@koic)
  • #12807: Fix false positives for Naming/BlockForwarding when using explicit block forwarding in block method and others. (@koic)
  • #12796: Fix false positives for Style/EvalWithLocation when using eval with a line number from a method call or a variable. (@koic)
  • #12794: Fix false positives for Style/RedundantArgument when when single-quoted strings for cntrl character. (@koic)
  • #12797: Fix false positives for Style/RedundantLineContinuation when using line continuations with && or || operator in assignment. (@koic)
  • #12793: Fix false positives for Style/RedundantLineContinuation when multi-line continuations with operators. (@koic)
  • #12801: Fix incorrect autocorrect for Style/CollectionCompact when using delete_if. (@koic)
  • #12789: Make Style/RedundantPercentQ safe on multiline strings. (@boardfish)
  • #12802: Return global offenses for Naming/FileName and Naming/InclusiveLanguage for empty files. (@earlopain)
  • #12804: Return global offenses for Style/Copyright when the file is empty. (@earlopain)


  • #12813: Add rubocop-rspec_rails to suggested extensions and extension doc. (@ydah)
  • #12820: Add support more Capybara debugger entry points for Lint/Debugger. (@ydah)
  • #12676: Adjust offending range in LSP. (@koic)
  • #12815: Ignore Rakefile.rb in Naming/FileName in the default config. (@artur-intech)
  • #12800: Handle empty obsoletion config. (@sambostock)
  • #12721: Make Lint/Debugger aware of ruby/debug requires. (@earlopain)
  • #12817: Make rubocop -V display rubocop-rspec_rails version when using it. (@ydah)
  • #12180: Replace regex with Bundler::LockfileParser. (@amomchilov)


Bug fixes

  • #12761: Fix a false positive for Style/HashEachMethods when the key block argument of Enumerable#each method is unused after chunk. (@koic)
  • #12768: Fix a false positive for Style/NilComparison without receiver and EnforcedStyle: comparison. (@earlopain)
  • #12752: Fix an error for Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion when the file is empty. (@earlopain)
  • #12770: Fix an error for Lint/RedundantWithIndex when the method has no receiver. (@earlopain)
  • #12775: Fix an error for Lint/UselessTimes when no block is present. (@earlopain)
  • #12772: Fix an error for Style/ClassVars when calling class_variable_set without arguments. (@earlopain)
  • #12773: Fix an error for Style/For with EnforcedStyle: for when no receiver. (@earlopain)
  • #12765: Fix an error for Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation with safe navigation and assignment method. (@earlopain)
  • #12703: Fix an error for Lint/MixedCaseRange with invalid byte sequence in UTF-8. (@earlopain)
  • #12755: Fix an exception for RedundantCurrentDirectoryInPath in case of require_relative without arguments. (@viralpraxis)
  • #12710: Fix a false negative for Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment when the file is comments only. (@earlopain)
  • #12758: Fix false positives for Layout/RedundantLineBreak when using && or || after a backslash newline. (@koic)
  • #12763: Fix an infinite loop for Style/MultilineMethodSignature when there is a newline directly after the def keyword. (@earlopain)
  • #12774: Fix an infinite loop for Style/RaiseArgs with EnforcedStyle: compact when passing more than 2 arguments to raise. (@earlopain)
  • #12663: Fix Lint/Syntax getting disabled by rubocop:disable Lint/Syntax. (@earlopain)
  • #12756: Only parse target Ruby from gemspec if array elements are strings. (@davidrunger)



Note: This is the first RuboCop release that features (experimental) support for using Prism instead of the parser gem. Check out the docs for more details.

See also this article for additional context.

New features

  • #12600: Support Prism as a Ruby parser (experimental). (@koic)
  • #12725: Support TargetRubyVersion 3.4 (experimental). (@koic)

Bug fixes

  • #12746: Fix a false positive for Lint/ToEnumArguments when enumerator is created for another method in no arguments method definition. (@koic)
  • #12726: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantLineContinuation when using line concatenation and calling a method with keyword arguments without parentheses. (@koic)
  • #12738: Fix an error for Style/Encoding when magic encoding with mixed case present. (@koic)
  • #12732: Fix error determining target Ruby when gemspec required_ruby_version is read from another file. (@davidrunger)
  • #12736: Fix invalid autocorrect in Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces. (@bquorning)
  • #12667: Don't load excluded configuration. (@jonas054)


New features

  • #12682: Add --editor-mode CLI option. (@koic)
  • #12657: Support AutoCorrect: contextual option for LSP. (@koic)
  • #12273: Make OffenseCountFormatter display autocorrection information. (@koic)
  • #12679: Publish RuboCop::LSP.enable API to enable LSP mode. (@koic)
  • #12699: Support searching for .rubocop.yml and rubocop/config.yml in compliance with dot-config. (@koic)

Bug fixes

  • #12720: Fix a false positive for Style/ArgumentsForwarding when using block arg forwarding to within block with Ruby 3.3.0. (@koic)
  • #12714: Fix an error for Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion when required_ruby_version is specified with Gem::Requirement.new and is higher than TargetRubyVersion. (@koic)
  • #12690: Fix an error for Style/CaseLikeIf when using == with literal and using ternary operator. (@koic)
  • #12668: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Lint/EmptyConditionalBody when missing if body with conditional else body. (@koic)
  • #12683: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/MapCompactWithConditionalBlock when using guard clause with next implicitly nil. (@koic)
  • #12693: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/ObjectThen when using yield_self without receiver. (@koic)
  • #12646: Fix --auto-gen-config bug for Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces. (@jonas054)
  • #12717: Fix regexp for inline disable comments in Style/CommentedKeyword. (@jonas054)
  • #12695: Fix bug in Include from inherited file in a parent directory. (@jonas054)
  • #12656: Fix an error for Layout/RedundantLineBreak when using index access call chained on multiline hash literal. (@koic)
  • #12691: Fix an error for Style/MultilineTernaryOperator when nesting multiline ternary operators. (@koic)
  • #12707: Fix false negative for Style/RedundantAssignment when using pattern matching. (@koic)
  • #12674: Fix false negatives for Style/RedundantReturn when using pattern matching. (@koic)
  • #12673: Fix false negatives for Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation when using safe navigation operator for literal receiver. (@koic)
  • #12719: Fix false negatives for Style/ArgumentsForwarding when using forwardable block arguments with Ruby 3.2+. (@koic)
  • #12687: Fix a false positive for Lint/Void when each block with conditional expressions that has multiple statements. (@koic)
  • #12649: Fix false positives for Style/InverseMethods when using relational comparison operator with safe navigation. (@koic)
  • #12711: Handle implicit receivers in Style/InvertibleUnlessCondition. (@sambostock)
  • #12648: Fix numblock regressions in omit_parentheses Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses. (@gsamokovarov)


Does any of this look wrong? Please let us know.


See the full diff on Github. The new version differs by more commits than we can show here.

↗️ rubocop-ast (indirect, 1.30.0 → 1.31.3) · Repo · Changelog


See the full diff on Github. The new version differs by 32 commits:

🆕 rubocop-rspec_rails (added, 2.28.3)

Depfu Status

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depfu[bot] commented 1 month ago

Closed in favor of #754.