Dynatrace / easytrade

EasyTrade - new demo microservices based application that allows its users to buy and sell stocks, developed by Demoability Team
Apache License 2.0
26 stars 28 forks source link

How to access the app after deploying app on eks cluster? #21

Open kanchalwar opened 11 hours ago

kanchalwar commented 11 hours ago

I'm trying to access app on the external IP given in the output of command - "kubectl -n easytrade get svc" next to frontendreverseproxy, but I'm getting page not found error. Is there any step I'm missing?

KrzysztofSajko commented 8 hours ago

Hi there should not be any extra steps necessary from the easytrade perspective, it should work as is.

Can you check if all the pods are up and running and look at the logs to see if there are any problems. Specifically logs from the loadgen, if there are no errors and the visits are successfully completed that means the app is deployed and working correctly.

You can also try using the port-forward on the reverse proxy

kubectl -n <your-namespace> port-forward service/frontendreverseproxy-easytrade <your-port>:80