Dynatrace / obslab-predictive-kubernetes-scaling

Observability Lab: Predictive Auto-Scaling for Kubernetes Workloads
Apache License 2.0
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Startup Fails: edge-connect name is too long #17

Closed agardnerIT closed 1 month ago

agardnerIT commented 1 month ago
2024-10-10 04:32:28.706Z: Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "kubernetes/edge-connect.yaml": admission webhook "edgeconnect.webhook.dynatrace.com" denied the request: 
1 error(s) found in the EdgeConnect
 1. The length limit for the name of a EdgeConnect is 40, because it is the base for the name of resources related to the EdgeConnect.
    The limit is necessary because kubernetes uses the name of some resources for the label value, which has a limit of 63 characters. (see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#syntax-and-character-set)
agardnerIT commented 1 month ago

Limit edge connect name length:

sed -i "s|CODESPACE_NAME|${CODESPACE_NAME:0:40}|g" kubernetes/edge-connect.yaml