DyonR / docker-Jackettvpn

Docker container which runs a headless Jackett Server with an optional WireGuard or OpenVPN connection
GNU General Public License v3.0
68 stars 32 forks source link

OpenVPN Permission Denied #54

Open cowza opened 2 years ago

cowza commented 2 years ago

Hey there, I get the following error when starting up my container. I've had it working in the past but recently it fails to startup with this permission denied error.

2021-08-24 15:14:12.811822 [INFO] Starting OpenVPN...
openvpn: error while loading shared libraries: libnsl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied

Here is my stack that I'm deploying with docker-compose

version: '3.3'

  image: dyonr/jackettvpn:latest
  restart: unless-stopped
  privileged: true
    - "9117:9117"
    - /dev/net/tun
    - /volume2/docker/jackett-vpn:/config
    - /volume2/downloads/tmp:/blackhole
    - VPN_ENABLED=yes
    - VPN_TYPE=openvpn


  network_mode: bridge
cchhat01 commented 2 years ago

I'm having the exact same thing occur to me, time and again on my Synology NAS. In my case, I've re-created the NAS container with the following setup:

    --restart=unless-stopped \
    --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
    --publish 32785:9117 \
    --volume /volume1/configs/jackettvpn:/config \
    --env VPN_ENABLED=yes \
    --env VPN_TYPE=openvpn \
    --env "VPN_OPTIONS=--inactive 3600 --ping 10 --ping-exit 60" \
    --env "LAN_NETWORK=" \
    --env PUID=1024 \
    --env PGID=100 \
    --env "TZ=America/New_York" \
    --env LEGACY_IPTABLES=1 \

At startup, every single time, the container throws a tantrum about openvpn: error while loading shared libraries: libnsl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied The only way around it is to stop the container manually, then Editing its docker settings by:

  1. Disabling "Execute container using high privilege" and "Enable auto-restart" check-boxes
  2. Start/stop repeat until you see a different error in your logs ("unable to create /dev/net/tun", or something to that effect)
  3. Edit the settings again and re-enable "Execute container using high privilege" and "Enable auto-restart" check-boxes
  4. Start the container (this time OpenVPN will execute correctly

Doing so will keep the jackettvpn container running for a day or so and then once the openvpn session terminates, we will have the exact same problem with Permission denied (rinse-and-repeat)

I have no idea why this keeps on happening and JackettVPN just continues to exhibit this issue I have another contain with OpenVPN built in (haugene/transmission-openvpn) and although it randomly sees the issue as well, it almost never loses the OpenVPN connection... its been up for days now. I am running DSM 7.0 (not the latest patch).

Any ideas ?

cchhat01 commented 2 years ago

I fixed this by doing recreating the container as follows:

sudo docker run -d --name="jackettvpn" \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
    --device /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun \
    --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 \
    --publish 9117:9117 \
    --volume /path/to/jackettvpn_configs:/config \
    --env VPN_ENABLED=yes \
    --env VPN_TYPE=openvpn \
    --env "VPN_OPTIONS=--inactive 3600 --ping 10 --ping-exit 60" \
    --env "LAN_NETWORK=" \
    --env PUID=1024 \
    --env PGID=100 \
    --env "TZ=America/New_York" \
    --env LEGACY_IPTABLES=1 \

Turns out running it in elevated privileges was interfering with the setup...

dem0ngo commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm having a very similar issue as you both were. I know its been a few months, but do you remember what exactly it is you did that fixed it? I don't notice a meaningful difference in your setup or understand what you mean by "running it in elevated privileges was interfering with the setup". Thanks!