Dysth / Generations

The place to report bugs and submit suggestions to the Minecraft mod Generations!
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A collection of battle bugs (Been starting since 8.5.0 continuing into 8.5.1) #193

Open Surefire42 opened 3 years ago

Surefire42 commented 3 years ago

All of these bugs have happened in tournaments in the last 2 days (Pokeninjas Diamond) -Moves being auto selected, failing and letting the opposing pokemon attack -A Pokemon being full health before the match but when sent out in battle was at 200/426 hp and could not heal over that (My personal suspicion about this is it has something to do with the full heal setting) -Pokemon being shown alive in a players UI after being fainted but not able to be sent back out. This still counts as an alive mon in terms of letting said player out of the battle though -Pokemon seeming being sent out at a lower hp than they actually have making a mon seem to have fainted when it has hp left as far as the battle is concerned and is allowed to select further moves -Pokemon not being able to be selected out of team preview -Many people have reported in game chat that speed is broken and things that should not be able to outspeed others are but I cannot confirm this one personally Hopefully these can be fixed soon along with any other bugs we didnt find, thanks for all the work you guys put into the mod! -Surefire42-