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all my pokemon are gone, my pc is empty #331

Open NotTqggio opened 2 years ago

NotTqggio commented 2 years ago

today i logged in my solo survival world and all my items were good, my principal team amd my pokedex too. once i opened my pc all my pokemon were gone. i dont know what to do. i am plaing in 1.12.2 and its the first bug. please help me 2022-04-03_15 34 01 2022-04-03_15 34 06 2022-04-03_15 34 11 2022-04-03_15 34 18 .

MarilynJCLucero commented 2 years ago

Same here, well not with me but I host a LAN world for myself and some friends, and two of them had their boxes completely empty.

Tried to restart the world, restart the PC I am hosting from but nothing. Sucks that it happened to you with the Pokédex mostly complete, they had less than 100 caught but still lost a lot and one of them even lost a Shiny Victreebel and right now afraid I might one day have my boxes emptied with whatever is causing this glitch (having the luck of ownng multiple Shinies, even a Cacturne with those rectangles instead of stars).

I hope this bug it getting fixed straight away as this glitch should not be possible to exist, yet it does. Unfortunate (but good to know) that I am not the only one so the bug has most likely nothing to do with my Hardware.

Cavans99 commented 2 years ago

It's a random bug that happens really rarely. From what I saw the team tried to fix it many times, but without much success, as there's no fixed way to reproduce it. If you find a way to reproduce it, report it so they can try to work on a fix

KyoGamerK commented 2 years ago

It happened to me as well... I've lost all my Pokémon that was in my PC and in my party... But I haven't lost my itens that was with me or in the chests... neither constructions and other things...