E-Cubed-Academy / WBL-2024-Group-3A

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10. design challenge statement #10

Open claytondclass3 opened 2 months ago

claytondclass3 commented 2 months ago

(Clayton) Creating the home page for the users by the end of the week in order to give users easy access to information on my website and so my website is easy to use

EnielR3 commented 2 months ago

About the website for the people, so when people join the website they know what to do in order for the website to work.

TaureanJ3 commented 2 months ago

The design is an app about different sports and things you can learn about it.It has sports like Baskeball, football, baseball, and soccer. It for people of all ages. Learning all the tricks and stuff for these sports could benefit you in many ways.

bdpyne commented 2 months ago

@TaureanJ3 You're on the right track with your statement. I polished it a bit.

"Design a mobile app for people of all ages to learn strategies for increasing their skill in sports such as basketball, football, baseball, and soccer."

Starting with a verb is a stronger statement. "Design" is the word used for the example in the video.

Keep in mind that the design statement clarifies what you're designing for. The design itself isn't the app. The app has a design.

Make sense?