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List of measurement unit #17

Open Garyhsu1982 opened 3 months ago

Garyhsu1982 commented 3 months ago

Here is a list of system-defined unit from Chemotion (Eletronic Lab Notebook). Unfortunately, the content seems to be removed from the website, but I can still access it through the notebook I install in my laptop. There is also no description about each unit and we need to define it.

Name List
Acceleration mm/s²
Agitation rpm
Amount enzyme as nmol/min U, mU
Chem. concentration (Molarity) mol/L (M), mmol/L (mM), nmol/L (nM), pmol/L (pM)
Chem. distances Å
Concentration ng/L, mg/L, g/L
Conductivity S/m
Current A, mA, µA, nA
Degree °
Density g/cm3, kg/l
Duration day(s), hour(s), min(s), sec(s), millisec(ms)
Elastic modulus MPa, Kpa, Pa
Electric field V/m
Energy J, kJ
Enzyme activity U/L, U/mL
Flow rate µl/min, ml/min, l/min
Frequency Hz, kHz
Heating rate K/min
Length mm, cm, m
Magnetic flux density/inductivity T
Mass g, mg, µg, ng, pg
Mass of molecule D, kD
Molecular weight g/mol
Percentage %
Pressure atm, Pa, Torr
Reaction rate mol/Lmin, mol/Ls
Specific volume cm3/g
Speed cm/s, mm/s, cm/h, mm/h
Subatomic length µm, nm, pm
Surface A², mm², cm²
Temperature °C, °F, K
Turnover number 1/s
Dynamic viscosity Pas, mPas
Kinematic viscosity m²/s
Voltage mV, V
Volumes I, ml, µl, nl
kobbejager commented 3 months ago

Certainly a good starting point. What you notice in these kind of lists, is that they mainly cater the community that compiled the list. It seems this community is doing chemical synthesis and/or physicochemistry :-). We'll need to add quite a few of them (wavelength, wavenumber for spectroscopies, (atomic) mass unit for mass spectrometry, energy expressed in eV in x-ray spectrometries...).

There are a few oddities in the list, such as

We need to find the right balance between semantically correctness and user-friendliness. Personally, I wonder if forcing all quantity types and units into vocabulary-supported controlled lists, making the forms more complicated and more time-consuming to fill in, isn't pernicious for the user-friendliness. I would therefore consider using fixed enum properties in the JSON Schema, adapting the possible choices to each specific case, and use const were possible (even though Cordra / json-editor do not support this well). If needed, we can make more complete lists in opentheso, not to be used as controlled lists, but rather as units to choose from when populating the enums in the schemas.

Garyhsu1982 commented 3 months ago

I would like to point out that these measurement units are used in the electronic lab notebook when users want to define a metadata profile for a technique.

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