E-RIHS / schema

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Track handle progress #3

Open kobbejager opened 7 months ago

kobbejager commented 7 months ago
jpadfield commented 7 months ago

For the ecls script which URL would we like to use?

https://vocab.e-rihs.io/cl/g5 or do we use a handle for the service or foreach group??

kobbejager commented 7 months ago

For the ecls script which URL would we like to use?

https://vocab.e-rihs.io/cl/g5 or do we use a handle for the service or foreach group??

Having the php-code running under vocab.e-rihs.io/cl (or anywhere else in the e-rihs.io namespace) seems the best option for me. Minting handles for it could be something additional.

Anyway, where this script lives is at the moment not that important and urgent. It won't have any impact on the values that are stored in the digital objects in Cordra. We can search & replace all urls in the controlled list schema in one go. What is important, and what I meant in the check box list, is that your ecls script outputs lists of terms identified by their handle, in stead of the openapi urls.

Moving the ecls script to e-rihs.io namespace is something that can happen after the Madrid meeting (for which I created a milestone M1 with the most urgent tasks)

kobbejager commented 6 months ago

Update on Handle configuration in Opentheso: I had contact with the main author, who stated that the Handle integration is hard-coded for a specific server at Huma-Num. We have two options: or we use the built-in Ark server, or we wait for him to generalise the Handle integration in Opentheso (which will take a couple of days). In the latter option, our Opentheso server will need to be uploaded as well.

kobbejager commented 5 months ago

All done, closing this issue

jpadfield commented 5 months ago

Sorry, not sure if we need to do anything about this, but the handle prefix is being used for other metadata fields, like the value of "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#inScheme", which do not really work. (Sorry I am not sure what was there before)

"http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#inScheme": [
"value": "https://hdl.handle.net/?idt=th1",
"type": "uri"

See: https://vocab.e-rihs.io/openapi/v1/group/th1/branch?idGroups=g5

We are not currently using these terms, but I am not sure if we need to adjust anything or if this is an issue for OpenTheso to fix?

kobbejager commented 5 months ago

Opentheso seems to apply the "export URI" setting (in the preferences page of the thesaurus) a bit too overeagerly. Things that haven't got a handle, shouldn't use the export URI but the "url of the local site" setting instead. This is a bug, and is probably also affecting the ARK implementation. We should report this to Opentheso's devs. For now, it doesn't really affect us.