E3SM-Ocean-Discussion / E3SM

Ocean discussion repository, for ocean issues and longer-term pull requests for E3SM source code. Please make pull requests that are ready to merge into https://github.com/E3SM-Project/E3SM
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Full Wave Momentum Coupling #104

Open erinethomas opened 5 months ago

erinethomas commented 5 months ago

NEW WAVE MOMENTUM COUPLING FEATURE Full momentum coupling between WW3, MPAS-Ocean, and EAM is being implemented. This discussion is for the purpose of getting a preliminary code review and feedback before an official PR is opened into E3SM. This PR uses COARE3.0 flux calculation which is needed for wave coupling to atmosphere via charnock parameter.

A table summarizing all testing being performed is at the bottom of the page here: https://acme-climate.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OO/pages/4271702034/2024.Q2+WAVEWATCH+III+maintenance+developments Suggestions welcome for additional testing that is needed to open a PR into E3SM. a 100 year Fully coupled Simulation is currently being done.

The use of WW3 is 'stealth' in that WW3 is NOT a standard component of E3SM for production runs. However, the implementation of wave-ocean-atm coupling in this PR defines the default coupling based upon the COMPSET used. For example, a fully coupled base with active waves (B compset + WW3) will assume full, two-way coupling between WW3-EAM-MPASO and MPAS-SI. (note: limited wave-ice coupling for now, full wave-ice coupling coming in near future). On the other hand, if a data atmosphere used, like in a G Case+WW3, EAM-WW3 coupling will default to "one-way" (data winds passed to WW3) while full two way coupling is used between the active components of WW3 and MPAS-O/MPAS-SI.

erinethomas commented 5 months ago
