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Energy Exascale Earth System Model source code. NOTE: use "maint" branches for your work. Head of master is not validated.
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Non critical output conversion error in components/clm/src/external_models/sbetr/src/stub_clm/accumulMod.F90 #2904

Open singhbalwinder opened 5 years ago

singhbalwinder commented 5 years ago

I saw the following error in the log file:

forrtl: error (63): output conversion error, unit 96, file /compyfs/sing201/e3sm_scratch/SMS_D.ne30_ne30.FC5AV1C-L.compy_intel.clubbv2_rebased/run/lnd.log.213.190501-155944
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
e3sm.exe           00000000093A092B  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
e3sm.exe           00000000094049C6  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
e3sm.exe           0000000004FE949C  accumulmod_mp_pri         221  accumulMod.F90
e3sm.exe           000000000505D342  clm_initializemod         642  clm_initializeMod.F90
e3sm.exe           0000000004F881FD  lnd_comp_mct_mp_l         281  lnd_comp_mct.F90
e3sm.exe           00000000004693DF  component_mod_mp_         257  component_mod.F90
e3sm.exe           00000000004298DA  cime_comp_mod_mp_        1334  cime_comp_mod.F90
e3sm.exe           000000000045FEBB  MAIN__                    122  cime_driver.F90
e3sm.exe           00000000004178E2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libc-2.17.so       00002B31AC2823D5  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
e3sm.exe           00000000004177E9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

This error doesn't result in a crash but I think we should correct it. This is mostly likely due to the following format (accumulMod.F90) statement:

1003 format((1x,i2),(1x,a8),(1x,a8),(1x,a8), (1x,i5),(1x,f4.0),(1x,a40))

I think we need to increase the number for "Period" in the format statement as I see the following in the lnd.log file (see "*****"):

 Accumulated fields
 No Name     Units    Type    Period Inival Description
  1 FSD24    W/m2     runmean     48   0. 24hr average of direct solar radiation
  2 FSD240   W/m2     runmean    480   0. 240hr average of direct solar radiation
  3 FSI24    W/m2     runmean     48   0. 24hr average of diffuse solar radiation
  4 FSI240   W/m2     runmean    480   0. 240hr average of diffuse solar radiation
  5 FSD24H   W/m2     runmean     48   0. 24hr average of direct solar radiation
  6 FSD240H  W/m2     runmean    480   0. 240hr average of direct solar radiation
  7 FSI24H   W/m2     runmean     48   0. 24hr average of diffuse solar radiation
  8 FSI240H  W/m2     runmean    480   0. 240hr average of diffuse solar radiation
  9 T10      K        runmean    480 293. 10-day running mean of 2-m temperature
 10 TREFAV   K        timeavg      2   0. average over an hour of 2-m temperature
 11 TREFAV_U K        timeavg      2   0. average over an hour of urban 2-m temper
 12 TREFAV_R K        timeavg      2   0. average over an hour of rural 2-m temper
 13 T_VEG24  K        runmean     48   0. 24hr average of vegetation temperature
 14 T_VEG240 K        runmean    480   0. 240hr average of vegetation temperature
 15 FSUN24   fraction runmean     48   0. 24hr average of diffuse solar radiation
 16 FSUN240  fraction runmean    480   0. 240hr average of diffuse solar radiation
 17 LAIP     m2/m2    runmean      1   0. leaf area index average over timestep
 18 nlim_m   -        runmean  *****   0. runing average of N limitation strength
 19 plim_m   -        runmean  *****   0. runing average of P limitation strength
kaizhangpnl commented 5 years ago

I saw the same error message when I run the model in DEBUG mode.

AaronDonahue commented 5 years ago

Yes, I believe it has been there for quite awhile, but hasn't been addressed since it doesn't break the model.

changliao1025 commented 4 years ago

It appears that this file has multiple copies so we need to fix all of them.