Closed rljacob closed 3 years ago
@rljacob , ah, I think I see the problem. Python isn't complaining about the script, it's complaining that there's no python3
in your PATH. It seems like that particular python installation was not done correctly.
But wouldn't all the other buildnml's give an error then? And so would create_newcase ?
Here is the full output of case.setup:
[jacob@blueslogin4 Fcasekok]$ ./case.setup
Machine/Decomp/Pes configuration has already been done ...skipping
If an old case build already exists, might want to run ' --clean' before building
Generating component namelists as part of setup
2021-07-08 16:42:57 atm
Create namelist for component eam
Calling /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/eam//cime_config/buildnml
2021-07-08 16:42:58 lnd
Create namelist for component elm
Calling /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/elm//cime_config/buildnml
2021-07-08 16:42:58 ice
Create namelist for component cice
Calling /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/cice/cime_config/buildnml
2021-07-08 16:42:59 ocn
Create namelist for component docn
Calling /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/data_comps/docn/cime_config/buildnml
2021-07-08 16:42:59 rof
Create namelist for component srof
Calling /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/stub_comps/srof/cime_config/buildnml
2021-07-08 16:42:59 glc
Create namelist for component sglc
Calling /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/stub_comps/sglc/cime_config/buildnml
2021-07-08 16:42:59 wav
Create namelist for component swav
Calling /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/stub_comps/swav/cime_config/buildnml
2021-07-08 16:42:59 iac
Create namelist for component siac
Running /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/stub_comps/siac/cime_config/buildnml
/usr/bin/env: python3: No such file or directory
ERROR: /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/components/stub_comps/siac/cime_config/buildnml /gpfs/fs1/home/jacob/E3SM2/cime/scripts/Fcasekok FAILED, see above
Exit 1
@rljacob , CIME is finding a buildnml function in those other files, so it's calling them as a python library. It failed to find one in siac's, so attempted to invoke as a shell command which then failed. If create_newcase is finding python3, then there must be something in the environment setup in config_machines.xml for anvil that is removing python.
When adding that anaconda module, it says:
[jacob@blueslogin4 cime_config]$ which python
[jacob@blueslogin4 cime_config]$ python --version
Python 3.7.6
Maybe it is particular to how that python is configured on anvil but I should still fix that discrepancy in the siac buildnml.
@rljacob , all CIME python scripts are now explicitly looking for an executable called python3
Ok. I'll open a separate issue for this python3.7.6 module on anvil. It has problems.
Will continue in #4392
While doing some hand testing on anvil, I loaded python 3.7.6 with:
module load anaconda3/2020.02
then tried to create a simple F-case:
--compset FC5AV1C-L --res ne4_ne4
and got an error curing case.setup:Turns out siac buildnml only had this code:
while the other stub model's buildnml's had:
BUT: python 3.8.3, also available on anvil, did NOT have any error with the incomplete buildnml.
Why doesn't anyone else see this on another platfrom? All cases run the siac buildnml.