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CNP Budget failure for a non-Jan starting run. #6337

Open bishtgautam opened 1 month ago

bishtgautam commented 1 month ago

Error reported by @kchong75

Hello, I was running E3SMv3.0.0 with a non-January starting month (e.g., 10), using the corresponding ELM restart file from a previous run (e.g., CASE.elm.r.0001-10-01.nc) as the initial dataset (finidat) for ELM. However, the CNPBudget fails its annual check for carbon state (net change in state >> time integrated flux) at the end of year, due to all annual beginning values being zeros. Below is the error message:

*SUM*   382.70401574 |      3042037680.28

CARBON STATES (kgC/m2*1e6): period annual: date = 20101 0

                                    beg              end          |        *NET CHANGE*
                PFT                 0.00       4515692979.23      |      4515692979.23
                CWD                 0.00          2368343.95      |         2368343.95
       Total litter                 0.00        413913580.76      |       413913580.76
          Total SOM                 0.00        836694905.52      |       836694905.52
 Total wood product                 0.00                0.00      |               0.00
    Truncation sink                 0.00            32479.12      |           32479.12
  Crop seed deficit                 0.00                0.00      |               0.00
     Grid-level Err                 0.00               -0.00      |              -0.00

----------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------- SUM 5768702288.59 | 5768702288.59 time integrated flux = 3042037680.27547
net change in state = 5768702288.59410
current state = 72.4916509223762
relative error [%] = 47.2665163135523
ENDRUN: ERROR in CNPBudgetMod.F90 at line 929

> Is there a way to fix this issue, or is it necessary to run the model starting from January? Thank you in advance for your help.
kchong75 commented 1 month ago

Hi Gautam, thanks for opening this thread. Please see attached for two run scripts that can both reproduce the error.

  1. Does not specify finidat: run_script.sh.txt
  2. Specify finidat to a restart file from previous v3 run that starts from Jan 1st: bak.240322.run_script.sh.txt
mahf708 commented 4 weeks ago

copying @rljacob --- I think we need non-jan tests in our test suites. An example, in the atmosphere (both eam and eamxx) we are often interested in runs starting say oct 1 or dec 1 with nudging. Because once nudged, we can afford ignoring the first month in a simulation, then we end up with a nice whole year left for analysis from a 15-month or 13-month run. The two scream sensitivity campaigns are 13-month-long pairs

ndkeen commented 4 weeks ago

Noting an issue that had same error mesg: https://github.com/E3SM-Project/E3SM/issues/6230

bishtgautam commented 1 week ago

@kchong75 Please give PR-#6405 a try.