E3SM-Project / HOMMEXX

Clone of ACME for CMDV-SE project to convert HOMME to C++
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remove energy_fixer, compute_energy from prim_driver_mod #239

Open oksanaguba opened 6 years ago

oksanaguba commented 6 years ago

It seems that in master homme parameter energy_fixer is gone and logic around compute_energy is gone, too. these cause extra calls to (unknown for now) prim_energy_halftimes. I will adjust the logic to the one in master homme.

    if (MODULO(nstep_end,statefreq)==0 .or. nstep_end==tl%nstep0) then
       compute_diagnostics= .true.
       compute_energy     = .true.
    if(disable_diagnostics) compute_diagnostics= .false.
    ! E(1) Energy after CAM forcing
    if (compute_energy) then
      call t_startf("prim_energy_halftimes")
      call prim_energy_halftimes(elem,hvcoord,tl,1,.true.,nets,nete)
      call t_stopf("prim_energy_halftimes")
oksanaguba commented 6 years ago

Some of this was addressed in PR #281 , but energy_fixer variable and subroutine prim_energy_fixer (not called from anywhere) are still in code.