E3SM-Project / scorpio

A high-level Parallel I/O Library for structured grid applications
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Incorrect data returned by pio_get_var for ADIOS type when IO root task rank is non-zero #574

Open dqwu opened 3 months ago

dqwu commented 3 months ago

Within a union communicator, IO tasks constitute a subset of compute tasks, wherein the rank of the IO root task may not necessarily be 0. For instance, in a scenario involving 16 compute tasks, IO tasks could be designated as {1, 5, 9, 13}.

Under these circumstances, pio_get_var retrieves inaccurate data specifically with ADIOS type (although it functions correctly with PnetCDF type).

[Steps to reproduce]

First, check out latest scorpio master branch.

git clone https://github.com/E3SM-Project/scorpio.git
cd scorpio

Next, replace the content of examples/c/example1.c with the test code shown below.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <pio.h>
#ifdef TIMING
#include <gptl.h>


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    const int niotasks = 4;
    const int ioproc_stride = 4;
    const int ioproc_start = 1;
    const int put_var_val = 42;

    int rank;
    int ntasks;
    int format[NUM_NETCDF_FLAVORS];
    int iosysid;
    char filename[PIO_MAX_NAME];
    int num_flavors = 0;
    int ncid;
    int varid;
    int get_var_val;

#ifdef TIMING

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);

    if (ntasks != 16)
        if (rank == 0)
            printf("This test must be run with exactly 16 MPI tasks!\n");


#ifdef TIMING

        return -1;

    PIOc_Init_Intracomm(MPI_COMM_WORLD, niotasks, ioproc_stride, ioproc_start, PIO_REARR_BOX, &iosysid);

#ifdef _PNETCDF
    format[num_flavors++] = PIO_IOTYPE_PNETCDF;
#ifdef _ADIOS2
    format[num_flavors++] = PIO_IOTYPE_ADIOS;

    for (int fmt = 0; fmt < num_flavors; fmt++)
        sprintf(filename, "test_get_var_%d.nc", fmt);

        ncid = -1;
        PIOc_createfile(iosysid, &ncid, &(format[fmt]), filename, PIO_CLOBBER);

        varid = -1;
        PIOc_def_var(ncid, "dummy_scalar_var", PIO_INT, 0, NULL, &varid);


        PIOc_put_var_int(ncid, varid, &put_var_val);


        ncid = -1;
        PIOc_openfile(iosysid, &ncid, &(format[fmt]), filename, PIO_NOWRITE);

        varid = -1;
        PIOc_inq_varid(ncid, "dummy_scalar_var", &varid);

        get_var_val = -1;
        PIOc_get_var_int(ncid, varid, &get_var_val);

        if (get_var_val != put_var_val)
            printf("fmt = %d, rank = %d, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: %d actual: %d\n",
                   fmt, rank, put_var_val, get_var_val);




#ifdef TIMING

    return 0;

Then, build scorpio and run example1.

mkdir build
cd build

ADIOS2_DIR=/path/to/adios2/installation \
CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpifort cmake -Wno-dev \
-DPnetCDF_PATH=/path/to/pnetcdf/installation \


cd examples/c

mpiexec -n 16 ./example1

Output is shown below.

fmt = 1, rank = 0, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 1, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 2, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 3, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 4, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 5, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 6, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 7, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 8, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 9, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 10, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 11, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 12, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 13, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 14, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
fmt = 1, rank = 15, pio_get_var returned wrong data, expected: 42 actual: -1
dqwu commented 3 months ago

Please note that this issue is not reproducible when the IO root is set to 0 (as specified by ioproc_start in the test code).

In a scenario involving 16 compute tasks, when IO tasks are designated as {1, 5, 9, 13}, the IO root is 1. For PnetCDF type operations, the IO root (rank 1) is responsible for actual write operations in pio_put_var and actual read operations in pio_get_var. However, for ADIOS type operations, IO tasks are not utilized. Instead, rank 0 performs the actual write for pio_put_var and the actual read for pio_get_var.

Within the function PIOc_get_vars_tc(), the IO root serves as the broadcast root: MPI_Bcast(buf, num_elem * typelen, MPI_BYTE, ios->ioroot, ios->my_comm)

This only functions as expected for PnetCDF type operations, where the IO root retrieves the anticipated data for broadcasting.