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Fork of E3SM used to develop exascale global atmosphere model written in C++
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More P3 fixes #1053

Open PeterCaldwell opened 3 years ago

PeterCaldwell commented 3 years ago

Koby noted some more bugs in P3:

A few notes on P3:

  1. The routine ice_supersat_conservation was correctly changed by Aaron a few weeks ago to include sublimation and rain evap as source terms for testing qv depletion, but since deposition tendency (qidep) can be strongly corrected w.r.t the amount of mixed-phase liquid (the WFB process), I suggest to move this water-vapor related correction to be last, just before the ice/liquid state correction. Also the name is a bit confusing ... (please let me know when you have corrections to the code)

  2. As for the routine prevent_ice_overdepletion which intend to prevent qvi supersaturation due to evaporative processes, we need to include also rain evaporation like the following:

    dumqv_sat_i = qv_sat(t_atm,pres,1)
    qdep_satadj = (qv-dumqv_sat_i)/(1._rtype + bfb_square(latent_heat_sublim)*dumqv_sat_i/(cp*rv* bfb_square(t_atm) ))*inv_dt
    qidep  = qidep*min(1._rtype,max(0._rtype, qdep_satadj)/max(qidep, 1.e-20_rtype))
    qi2qv_sublim_tend  = qi2qv_sublim_tend*min(1._rtype,max(0._rtype,-qdep_satadj)/max((qi2qv_sublim_tend+qr2qv_evap_tend), 1.e-20_rtype))
    qr2qv_evap_tend    = qr2qv_evap_tend*min(1._rtype,max(0._rtype,-qdep_satadj)/max((qi2qv_sublim_tend+qr2qv_evap_tend), 1.e-20_rtype))

    I tested the above, and the combination of changing the order and including the rain evaporation reduces the radiative forcing by ~0.25 W/m2 for a 2 yrs simulation.

  3. There is a correction for the P3 lookup table based on a bug found by Hugh/Jason in the aggregation part; The new table was given the number 4.1.1 (p3_lookup_table_1.dat-v4.1.1), and table_2 was just copy-past and was given the same number without any change. These change also changes the radiative forcing on the order of ~0.25 w/m2 for a 2yrs simulation

AaronDonahue commented 1 year ago

@PeterCaldwell , I can't recall... Have we done all of this already?

bartgol commented 5 months ago

@PeterCaldwell @AaronDonahue is this still an issue?