Open ndkeen opened 1 year ago
With ne256 monogrid, which we were already using, I also see similar error. It happens approximately similar model date as well model date = 00010525
(with ne120 failing about a month after this).
0: MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
311: WARNING: Tl1_1 has 1 values <= allowable value. Resetting to minimum value.
285: WARNING:CAAR: k=128,theta(k)=99.975185<100.000000=th_thresh, applying limiter
285: WARNING:CAAR: k=128,theta(k)=99.975185<100.000000=th_thresh, applying limiter
285: WARNING:CAAR: k=128,theta(k)=99.723051<100.000000=th_thresh, applying limiter
236: what(): /global/cfs/cdirs/e3sm/ndk/repos/se53-feb13/components/eamxx/src/share/atm_process/atmosphere_process.cpp:307: FAIL:
236: false
236: Error! Failed post-condition property check (cannot be repaired).
236: - Atmosphere process name: SurfaceCouplingImporter
236: - Property check name: NaN check for field surf_radiative_T
236: - Atmosphere process MPI Rank: 236
236: - Message: FieldNaNCheck failed.
236: - field id: surf_radiative_T[Physics PG2] <double:COL>(4096) [K]
236: - entry (815857)
236: - lat/lon: (-33.207194, 291.181688)
236: *************************** INPUT FIELDS ******************************
236: ------- INPUT FIELDS -------
236: ************************** OUTPUT FIELDS ******************************
236: T_2m<COL>(4096)
236: T_2m(3696)
236: 152.521,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: qv_2m<COL>(4096)
236: qv_2m(3696)
236: 1.44605e-06,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: sfc_alb_dif_nir<COL>(4096)
236: sfc_alb_dif_nir(3696)
236: 0.221189,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: sfc_alb_dif_vis<COL>(4096)
236: sfc_alb_dif_vis(3696)
236: 0.120901,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: sfc_alb_dir_nir<COL>(4096)
236: sfc_alb_dir_nir(3696)
236: 0.215391,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: sfc_alb_dir_vis<COL>(4096)
236: sfc_alb_dir_vis(3696)
236: 0.12062,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: snow_depth_land<COL>(4096)
236: snow_depth_land(3696)
236: 0.000192775,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: surf_evap<COL>(4096)
236: surf_evap(3696)
236: -6.77864e-06,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: surf_lw_flux_up<COL>(4096)
236: surf_lw_flux_up(3696)
236: -48.6872,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: surf_mom_flux<COL,CMP>(4096,2)
236: surf_mom_flux(3696,:)
236: -33.4984, -10.6215,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: surf_radiative_T<COL>(4096)
236: surf_radiative_T(3696)
236: -nan,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: surf_sens_flux<COL>(4096)
236: surf_sens_flux(3696)
236: 5089.09,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: wind_speed_10m<COL>(4096)
236: wind_speed_10m(3696)
236: 61.7287,
236: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
236: Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.
236: Backtrace for this error:
Back to the ne120 case. I wanted to get a restart closer to the crash. First I restarted from restart files in the case for 1 month to reach model date = 00010601
. Then I switched to using ndays
instead of nmonths
as the unit and asked to run for 30 days with restart every 10th day. It actually completed and ran further than previous attempt. ? model date = 00010701
. Then I tried to run a few more days and it fails at model date = 00010706
with a different error:
106: WARNING:CAAR: k=127,theta(k)=75.206669<100.000000=th_thresh, applying limiter
106: Bad dphi, dp3d, or vtheta_dp; label: 'Vertical remap: Negative (or nan) layer thickness detected, aborting!'; see hommexx.errlog.172.106
106: Exiting...
106: MPICH ERROR [Rank 106] [job id 5688967.0] [Fri Feb 24 10:05:54 2023] [nid008469] - Abort(101) (rank 106 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 101) - process 106
106: aborting job:
106: application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 101) - process 106
106: Kokkos::Cuda ERROR: Failed to call Kokkos::Cuda::finalize()
106: ERROR: For the pool allocator labeled "\360\244^^W^@^@^@^@AKL's primary memory pool":
106: ERROR: Trying to free an invalid pointer
106: This means you have either already freed the pointer, or its address has been corrupted somehow.
106: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >'
106: Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.
106: Backtrace for this error:
106: #0 0x14b77a4d4d6f in ???
106: #1 0x14b77a4d4cdb in ???
106: #2 0x14b77a4d6374 in ???
106: #3 0x14b78970b608 in _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv
106: at ../../../../cpe-gcc-12.1.0-202208101649.1dfb26392197c/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
I tried another ne120 case using Feb24th repo that also fails in same place model date = 00010630
And is BFB with the cases noted above thru the last nstep dump of nstep= 199980
The error is:
210: [DIRK] WARNING! Newton reached max iteration count, with deltaerr = 35858.08878763050597627
210: Bad dphi, dp3d, or vtheta_dp; label: 'DIRK Newton loop np1'; see hommexx.errlog.340.210
210: Exiting...
210: MPICH ERROR [Rank 210] [job id 5707327.0] [Sat Feb 25 14:48:03 2023] [nid008449] - Abort(102) (rank 210 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 102) - process 210
210: aborting job:
210: application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 102) - process 210
210: Kokkos::Cuda ERROR: Failed to call Kokkos::Cuda::finalize()
210: ERROR: For the pool allocator labeled "P\221\350#^@^@^@^@AKL's primary memory pool":
210: ERROR: Trying to free an invalid pointer
210: This means you have either already freed the pointer, or its address has been corrupted somehow.
210: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >'
label: DIRK Newton loop np1
time-level 0
lat -5.876747062738510e-01 lon 5.052728184523584e+00
ie 69 igll 3 jgll 3 lev 0: bad dphi
level dphi dp3d vtheta_dp
0 -nan 8.125531673431398e+00 1.006722367006377e+04
Regarding trying to make a restart file closer to the crash, I think I was tripped up again by when I tried to change the units. It may be we should disregard any CONTINUE run that was done after changing units. I can stick with nmonths
and try again.
I'm also not sure I'm allowed to change the output for a restarted run. That is, run for 6 months, then try to run another month with output changed to:
Physics PG2:
Field Names:
- ps
- omega
- horiz_winds
- T_mid
- qv
- qc
- qr
- qi
- tke
- surf_sens_flux
- surf_evap
- surf_radiative_T
- precip_liq_surf_mass
Max Snapshots Per File: 1
Frequency: 1
MPI Ranks in Filename: false
Timestamp in Filename: true
avg_type_in_filename: true
frequency_in_filename: true
frequency_units: nsteps
So, just to make sure we make some progress with this, I started a new case with all of this extra output from day 1. Yes, it is way too much (~25TB), but we can hopefully learn something from it and delete what we don't need, while I also try smaller cases to verify if I can change output streams on restart.
It fails at exact same location, with exact same error message (as expected).
With 43 pm-gpu nodes, adding this extra output only runs at 75% performance of previous run with "normal" output, which is maybe impressive.
@ndkeen when restarting output, the only changes you are allowed to do are:
or max snaps per file)Any other change is likely not going to work, possibly not even generating an error.
However, you can add new streams. The AD will still try to restart them though, so you must set
Perform Restart: false
in the yaml file for that stream. You can also set this for old streams, in which case you can change as many parameters as you want since, for all practical purposes, it's like a completely new stream.
I was following what @crterai had suggested, but I don't think either of us realized these restrictions. And I'm not sure I follow.
Yes, we don't have a user guide for model output (todo list!). I saw I'm also not sure I'm allowed to change the output for a restarted run.
, and thought I added some comments.
Bottom line is that a restarted run cannot change how/what it writes to file (with the exception that you can remove some vars). If you need to change, you need to "not restart" the output by setting Perform Restart: false
Started looking at the single timestep level output data from the ne120 simulation that @ndkeen ran, and this is what the global minimum temperature for T_mid@bot
does leading up to the crash. Note that the x-axis should be 'Steps' rather than days (thanks Noel for catching this!).
Location of that global minimum T in the last timestep matches up with the lat/lon given by the error message: [-32.70037346,291.93771758]. Which is just east of the Andes:
So this cold T also occurs adjacent to topography. Finally, a gif that shows the animation of bottom level variables (T_mid, qc, qr, and qi) in the last day leading up to the crash.
And this is the dynamics field in the bottom level for the same time period. The noise that starts to show up in the U and V field towards the end of the animation are a bit unphysical looking. @mt5555 or @oksanaguba, any thoughts? Note that this is all on the pg2 grid - not the dynamics grid.
Here is an attempt to plot the min T_mid per vertical level -- this is just last few steps before the crash. I mislabeled "Level1" -- should be "Level126"
@ndkeen can you redo that plot with only the 10 or 20 lowest levels?
Sure. Note I mislabeled one curve above as Level1 -- all the cold T lines are happening near the ground (highest vert levels). This would be the ~15 curves nearest the surface.
Note to parse the data, I'm using
ie, that's what I an labelling Level127
Since Level 126 is leading the charge it seems safe to say that we need to be looking away from the lowest level to figure this out.
Agreed. I'm curious whether the U and V changes lead the T change (which could be investigated by plotting the timeseries for all 3 variables divided by their pre-coldT ave value for the cell that eventually crashed).
I also find it odd that there's a clear front in V that propagates from the bottom left of the figure and the model seems to crash when this front reaches the problem area. It also looks to me (though it's hard to tell) like omega doesn't get weird - just horizontal winds.
Latest results I think remain consistent with the old hypothesis that this is a lack of vertical mixing in stable boundary layer conditions:
Based on the RRM results in E3SM#5089 above, a workaround which doesn't fix the problem but prevents the run from crashing could be to increase the theta limiter min value from 100K to 200K
consistent with the old hypothesis that this is a lack of vertical mixing in stable boundary layer conditions
We need to be a bit careful with wording here. I'm sure that with enough vertical mixing we won't have coldT problems, but that doesn't mean that the deficiency in our simulations is vertical mixing... just that it's a convenient patch. I'd really like to understand the actual source of trouble even if we end up using artificial diffusion to fix it.
lmin_coef in CLUBB and Ckm_s_max in SHOC are two completely different parameters and NOT comparable. Reducing Ckh_s_max in SHOC will for certain lead to more frequent cold T.
@bogensch @PeterCaldwell is it really even possible to have this rate of cooling resulting from a stable layer? The temperature drop seems extreme, and at one point I think I did a rough estimate that suggested the cooling rate was much higher than the longwave cooling rate.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding how the stable layer problem works... is longwave cooling the primary cooling mechanism in a situation where a stable layer completely shuts down turbulent mixing?
Interesting point, Walter. I think there are 2 different things going on here. You're right to ask how the layer is cooling so rapidly - is it LW cooling, evaporation/sublimation, mass flux divergence (unlikely), negative surface fluxes, or ???. Looking at the energy budget for this layer would be very useful for answering this. The fact that we're in a stable BL regime is kind of independent of the reason for cooling... it only matters in the sense that a regime with more vertical mixing wouldn't allow the surface layers to get so cold.
Are you sure "mass flux divergence" is unlikely? I think that's what it would be in the case of Held-Suarez forcing (although we haven't actually confirmed the HS coldT issues are the same as this one).
From our earlier results, increasing horiztontal diffusion does help quite a bit. I'm against that, probably for the same reason Pete is against increasing the vertical diffusion :-) Its so isolated and localized, it would be a shame to crank up the diffusion globally (vertical or horizontal).
I recall from earlier analysis that the surface heat fluxes were acting to oppose the cooling, which makes me think that rad and micro (and maybe dynamics) are the prime suspects.
I think agree with Walter that all cold T's we've analyzed so far have not been driven by the surface (due to surface heat fluxes) - SHF generally acted to counteract the cold air temperature. And I suspect rad is not the culprit, unless something is horribly wrong, since longwave cooling typically acts to cool from a warmer place to a cooler place and nothing close to that area surface seems to be getting colder than the air itself. So I think that microphysics or dynamics is the likely cause. In the v0 model, I believe we were seeing that there was a large amount of divergence that was causing the cooling. I've created a height-time cross-section of the column that experiences the coldest T in the second to bottom layer. It looks like the strong cooling precedes the cloud water formation and there's a distinct convergence/divergence signal that corresponds with the cooling (from the omega field), so I'm guessing that it's the dynamics again in this case. And associated convergence/divergence from domega/dP
@crterai that's a nice result! Can you zoom in on time 40-60?
I've changed the T diff color bars to a wider color range.
I've hidden my atm sci PhD so you can't take it away from me for asking such a dumb question... I understand from the ideal gas law how decreasing pressure decreases temperature, so it makes intuitive sense that mass flux divergence would cool a layer. I can't figure out how to convert Chris' new divergence plots into a cooling rate though. It seems like $p=\rho R_d T$ means that $dT$ should be proportional to $dp$ rather than $d\omega/dp$. Somewhat equivalently, I can't figure out whether divergence means that the mass of the column above is getting smaller, or whether a cell is literally being evacuated so it becomes cold like outer space. I think sigma-p coordinates imply the former.
I think at this point having a breakdown of the temperature tendencies from each process would be really valuable. How much work would it take to get that for dynamics, P3, and SHOC? @AaronDonahue @bartgol
Mmm, it might take some time, but probably not too much. I don't have time to do it this week, but I can get to it on Monday. TBC, you mean adding something like
void MyAtmProc::run (double dt) {
T_start = get_field_out("T_mid");
T_tend += (get_field_out("T_mid")-T_start) / dt;
I think it can be done in half a day.
@bartgol - yeah, I think your above pseudo-code is what we want to do. I was wondering whether we could add this to the AD layer rather than putting it in the interface layer for each proc (which I think is what you're doing above)... but ultimately it's fine if we add this sort of code for each process separately.
Yeah, I can add it at the infrastructure level, triggered by some runtime flags (this causes using 2 extra fields for each tracked field, so must be explicitly requested). I will get to it on Monday (hopefully).
@golaz was wanting me to try continuing the run to reach a year anyway. I tried a case with BFBFLAG=FALSE (normally TRUE) and it fails in exactly the same way -- looks BFB for those 6 months, which likely means the BFBFLAG is not having an impact for these runs. Is there something else I might try just to get a year? Or is this cold T issue so severe that it wouldn't make sense anyway?
Noel: I think this would let us run longer: change vtheta_thresh from 100d0 to 200d0.
In the fortran code, its a parameter in src/share/control_mod.F90.
But I couldn't find it in the C++ code - it might be a namelist variable?
Edit: "vtheta_thresh" in EAMxx appears to come from the HOMME fortran namelist. Oksana suggested this might work: atmchange vtheta_thresh=200
To clarify vtheta_thresh is probably not in namelist_scream.xml, if no one put it there (i did not). Noel could go and change it in control mod:
./share/control_mod.F90: real (kind=real_kind), public :: vtheta_thresh = 100.d0
and also xx code should print it to stdout.
Well this is what I'm trying:
In namelist_scream.xml
<transport_alg type="integer">12</transport_alg>
<vtheta_thresh type="real">200.0</vtheta_thresh> <-- added this line
And I see:
login36% zgrep vthet run/ho*
run/homme_atm.log.5859780.230302-104540.gz: readnl: vtheta_thresh = 100.00000000000000
run/homme_atm.log.5860545.230302-110906.gz: readnl: vtheta_thresh = 100.00000000000000
run/homme_atm.log.5861355.230302-113213.gz: readnl: vtheta_thresh = 100.00000000000000
run/homme_atm.log.5862777.230302-115339.gz: readnl: vtheta_thresh = 100.00000000000000
run/homme_atm.log.5868792.230302-153749: readnl: vtheta_thresh = 200.00000000000000
I ran the ne120 for 13 months after setting vtheta_thresh=200
. This was done at the beginning of the run (ie as opposed to reading in restart and changing the threshold). /pscratch/sd/n/ndk/e3sm_scratch/pm-gpu/se55-feb24/
This case was primarily for Chris G to look at output for general sanity checks -- that is, not trying to debug the crash here, we just wanted to get ~year of ne120 data, but I thought it might be informative to know that the case will run further with increased threshold.
Meanwhile, Chris T asked me to run our ne120 case with different output up to the crash (back to normal vtheta threshold again). I made that run here:
The output used was:
Casename: ${CASE}.scream.hi
Averaging Type: Instant
# One output every 31 days if output frequency is set to once per hour
Max Snapshots Per File: 1
Field Names:
- sgs_buoy_flux
- LW_flux_dn
- LW_flux_up
- rad_heating_pdel
- pseudo_density
- surf_sens_flux
- T_mid
Frequency: 1
frequency_units: nsteps
MPI Ranks in Filename: false
Timestamp in Filename: true
avg_type_in_filename: true
frequency_in_filename: true
I'm also having trouble with restarting that impacted my work for both of these efforts. Documenting that here
Has anyone had a chance to look at the output for the last run (case noted in above comment)? It is using 17TB of space so didn't want to let it get too old.
I did a quick check of the radiative heating from the ne120 case that crashed on June 30th. And while it doesn't seem to be the case that the initial cooling is caused by the radiative heating (bottom row), there is a strong cooling that does occur in the lower atmosphere, flanked by warming layers. If we compare with the actual timestep-to-timestep temperature differences (top row of plot below), the radiative temperature tendencies (including the cooling) are larger in magnitude (bottom row of plot below). However, it's not clear whether the radiative cooling is located in the same location as the actual cooling, so I'll need to look at this more carefully.
It was suggested that maybe I could run a case with se_ftype=1
, but reports of this not being an option. Wanted to verify this:
login38% atmquery se_ftype
namelist_defaults::ctl_nl::se_ftype: 2
login38% atmchange se_ftype=1
ERROR: Invalid value '1' for element 'se_ftype'. Value not in the valid list ('[0, 2]')
I wasn't aware ftype=1 was an option. Our current XML, as you noticed, checks to ensure it's either 0 or 2. @oksanaguba migh comment on whether we should allow atmchange to set it to 1.
Noting that I continued the ne120 run with vtheta_thresh=200
for another 2 years. It completed, for a total of about 3 years. last date=0004-02-01
This is with same repo as the first year -- ie from Feb24th.
It looks like it is reading the correct restart file dates.
I ran a ne120 case on pm-cpu. By accident, I did not set vtheta_thresh, which means it ran with default value of 100. The case ran beyond the date at which it was stopping above with pm-gpu (model date = 00011205
). I will continue this run further, as well as try to continue a run with vtheta_thresh=200. These are cases with output settings Chris G requested, so may not be ideal for looking at cold T.
The CPU case eventually does fail, but not with the same error as here.
Using scream of March 20th, and including fix for restarts, I have a case on pm-gpu that does stop at the same date as above (0630), and writes restart files 2 days before at (0628). Now, we need to change the yaml output and try to restart from this point. What would be a good set of outputs to use? -- Update -- we figured this out and I restarted with increased outputs (exact steps noted below)
login27% cat spiffy2.yaml
filename_prefix: ${CASE}.scream.tendency
Averaging Type: Instant
Max Snapshots Per File: 1
Field Names:
- T_mid
- p3_T_mid_tend
- shoc_T_mid_tend
- rrtmgp_T_mid_tend
- homme_T_mid_tend
Frequency: 1
frequency_units: nsteps
MPI Ranks in Filename: false
Timestamp in Filename: true
avg_type_in_filename: true
frequency_in_filename: true
./atmchange Scorpio::output_yaml_files=spiffy2.yaml
login27% atmquery Scorpio::output_yaml_files
Scorpio::output_yaml_files: spiffy2.yaml
./atmchange physics::mac_aero_mic::shoc::compute_tendencies=T_mid,qv
./atmchange physics::mac_aero_mic::p3::compute_tendencies=T_mid,qv
./atmchange physics::rrtmgp::compute_tendencies=T_mid
./atmchange homme::compute_tendencies=T_mid,qv
Results in group build_component_scream
Results in group build_def
Results in group run_begin_stop_restart
STOP_N: 182
REST_N: 89
Results in group run_coupling
Results in group run_flags
Here's plot from the output from the latest run that @ndkeen ran. First, a timeseries of the delta T_mid from timestep to timestep for the grid box that experiences the coldest T in L127 (2nd from bottom level) in the last available timestep output. 1) It's odd that the SUM of processes does not add up to be the delta T_mid, but 2) overall, even with the lack of closure, it looks quite convincingly that the temperature tendency in homme is the largest contributor to the temperature change. Sanity check: we're not dribbling any temperature tendencies from physics in homme, are we (I always mix up what the different ftypes connote)?
And below, the same data, but looking at the the whole column temperature tendencies. Again, tendencies from homme dominate the temperature tendencies.
Great work Chris and Noel. It's not often I can say "it's the dycore's fault!" and actually have data to back myself up ;-). Though we can't rule out the problem being that the physics which is supposed to compensate the dycore tendency not working correctly. A couple of things:
Yes, this case failed the same way (same date, same error) as other pm-gpu ne120 cases.
@crterai Are we sure that the units for the radiation tendency are correct and not normalized by dp?
@whannah1 & @PeterCaldwell - here's a plot with both qc and qi and the radiation tendencies with a narrower colorbar for the same column.
So there are clouds, both qc and qi. And the units for the rrtmgp temp tendencies say s^-1 K
and I just applied the same operations to the rrtmgp as I did for all the other data. When we stretch the grid to colorbar, we can see some warming and cooling (I think consistent with how the clouds are), but the magnitudes are smaller in this case.
@PeterCaldwell - it looks like the dt*3 heating is from SHOC, rather than P3. So I think it's the surface fluxes. Not sure why there's this oscillation - I haven't checked surface wind speeds, etc.
It was suggested (@whannah1 ) that I try adjusting rad_frequency to see if it changes how the ne120 problem fails. I tried 2 cases, one with radf=1 and another with radf=8 (default is radf=4). Both of these cases are NOT stopping at the same date as noted above -- the continue further.
For radf1:
./atmchange rad_frequency=1
Stops with similar NaN as noted above at model date = 00020125
For radf8:
./atmchange rad_frequency=8
Completed 2 years model date = 00030101
Re: units. All processes compute tendencies for field X as X_tend = (X_after - X_before) / dt
, so units are [X]/s.
Re: sum of tendencies not matching the overall tendency. That's puzzling, and might deserve some digging.
I would be cautious saying that "it's the dycore's fault". It might be interesting to see the behavior of other state vars before the crash happens. Perhaps T going bananas is just a downstream effect of other state var becoming unstable.
Using ne120 monogrid, and the recently created 128 vertical level IC, I tried to run longer on pm-gpu, but it failed
I have two cases that fail the same way, one with 43 nodes and one using 85 nodes. Both stop at
model date = 00010630
, step 17336.First I see the
Tl1_1 has 1 values <= allowable value
, immediately followed by the CAAR warnings:And then first Error! message: