E3SM-Project / v3atm

Fork of E3SM for testing v3 atm changes
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A revised handling of cflx as a stealth feature #17

Closed huiwanpnnl closed 1 year ago

huiwanpnnl commented 1 year ago

This PR replaces PR #4

This PR includes the same essential changes in the old PR, but

This PR adds an optional revision to the numerical process coupling at the tphysbc/tphysac level to couple the surface emissions of tracers more tightly with the turbulent transport. This is done by revising where in the time integration loop the surface fluxes in cam_in%cflx(:,2:) are applied to update the tracer mixing ratios.

The revision was motivated by the known issues of overly short dust lifetime in EAMv1 and the very strong sensitivity of the dust lifetime to vertical resolution, see Feng et al., 2022 for the v1 results.

The implementation of the revised coupling is described below in the "code modifications" section.

Impacts of the revised coupling was initially evaluated in v1. More recently, evaluation was done in v2 using a 5-year F2010 simulation and a 30-year AMIP (F20TR) simulation using the huiwanpnnl/atm/aerosol_process_coupling branch in the E3SM repo. Highlights of the results can be found on this Confluence page and in this slide deck.

Code modifications

rljacob commented 1 year ago

Are you starting development branches from the NGD_v3atm branch? I didn't think that was in the workflow.

wlin7 commented 1 year ago

Are you starting development branches from the NGD_v3atm branch? I didn't think that was in the workflow.

@rljacob . I might not understand your comments correctly. Git log does show this branch started from the NGD_v3atm branch of Sept. 26.

wlin7 commented 1 year ago

Merged to NGD_v3atm.