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add new flag history_chemdyg_summary for ChemDyg variables #66

Open hsiangheleellnl opened 1 year ago

hsiangheleellnl commented 1 year ago

In order to reduce E3SM outputs for ChemDyg, I created a new flag "history_chemdyg_summary" to write out necessary variables. The run script needs to change to the followings:

**history_gaschmbudget_num = 2 nhtfrq = 0,0,-1,-24 mfilt = 1,1,240,30 avgflag_pertape = 'A','I','I','A'

fincl1 = 'CO','TROPE_P' fincl3 = 'O3_SRF' fincl4 = 'TCO','SCO','T'

tropopause_e90_thrd = 80.0e-9 history_chemdyg_summary = .true.**

hsiangheleellnl commented 1 year ago

@tangq I trimmed down O3_2Dxxx variabls and added CO_SRF as a default variable (instead of 3D CO).

tangq commented 1 year ago

@hsiangheleellnl , the hourly surface ozone output is not controlled by the user name list flag. If users don't specify fincl3 = 'O3_SRF', they can still run ChemDyg for other figures. Right?

Can you do a short test simulation and run ChemDyg on it to demonstrate the results? Post the simulation documentation page and the ChemDyg link here. If all look good, I will approve the PR. Thanks.

hsiangheleellnl commented 1 year ago

@tangq Yes, if users don't specify fincl3 = 'O3_SRF, there is not h2 output but others stay the same. It would result in no surface O3 comparison when users run ChemDyg. Here is the full E3SM run script.

Here are the ChemDyg plots with the simplified flags. The webpage and ChemDyg configure script (.cfg) stay the same. Only tendency tables are missing on the webpage.

Note that history_chemdyg_summary can not be on with other flags (i.e., history_gaschmbudget_2D, history_gaschmbudget_2D_levels, history_UCIgaschmbudget_2D, and history_UCIgaschmbudget_2D_levels). The model will crash due to adding the same variables.

tangq commented 1 year ago

Note that history_chemdyg_summary can not be on with other flags (i.e., history_gaschmbudget_2D, history_gaschmbudget_2D_levels, history_UCIgaschmbudget_2D, and history_UCIgaschmbudget_2D_levels). The model will crash due to adding the same variables.

OK, we can leave it for now and remember to turn history_chemdyg_summary off when turning on these other flags.

A minor question, why the E3SM line not shown on this figure?

hsiangheleellnl commented 1 year ago

Because I only ran a one-year simulation. E3SM results will show up on the CMIP TCO comparison when the E3SM simulation has two-year results or longer. (The function can plot a line but not a single point.)

hsiangheleellnl commented 1 year ago

@wlin7 Wuyin, could you help merge this PR to NGD_v3atm? Thank you!

tangq commented 1 year ago

Note that history_chemdyg_summary can not be on with other flags (i.e., history_gaschmbudget_2D, history_gaschmbudget_2D_levels, history_UCIgaschmbudget_2D, and history_UCIgaschmbudget_2D_levels). The model will crash due to adding the same variables.

@hsiangheleellnl , just to note here what we decided on at the chemistry meeting today: when these diagnostic flags are set by user name list specifications, check if there are inconsistencies. If so, the flags with more diagnostic I/O should be true and history_chemdyg_summary be false.

Do you assume history_gaschmbudget_2D, history_gaschmbudget_2D_levels, history_UCIgaschmbudget_2D, and history_UCIgaschmbudget_2D_levels have to be ALL true or false simultaneously?

hsiangheleellnl commented 1 year ago

histroy_chemdyg_summary is only conflict in history_gaschmbudget_2D and history_gaschmbudget_2D_levels. I modified the code to force history_chemdyg_summary to be false and other conflicted flags are true.