EA31337 / EA-Tester

🐳📈 Headless Forex backtesting for MetaTrader platform using Docker
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Shell script to run CSV2FXT mq4 via platform #93

Open kenorb opened 7 years ago

kenorb commented 7 years ago

Branch: dev

Test and correct the current run_script.sh script which is based on run_backtest.sh to run mq4 files as a scripts.

The goal of the script is to run CSV2FXT.mq4 using run_script.sh (similar as run_backtest.sh works).

You can use VM if you like (vagrant up) to test it.

The expected testing steps are (clone into HOME):

  1. (optonal) Provision VM via Vagrant and login via : vagrant up && vagrant ssh
  2. Clone Birt-CSV2FXT.
  3. Clone CSV files from FX-BT-Data-EURUSD-DS (EURUSD-2015 branch).
  4. Convert all or selected CSV files into a single file, e.g.

    find . -name '*.csv' -print0 | sort -z | xargs -r0 cat > all.csv
  5. Clone FX-MT-VM (dev branch).
  6. [ ] Please provide steps to compile and place CsvReader.dll into the right place, or any dependencies.
  7. Run: run_script.sh, e.g.

    ./scripts/run_script.sh -e CSV2FXT.mq4 -E CreateM1=true,StartDate=?,EndDate=?,Spread=10 -M4.0.0.988

    [ ] Find out about the right parameters. Modify script if necessary.

    You can use -B to include startup script if necessary, or -X for finish script.

    If you don't know the machine names of variables for mq4 script (-E), you can run platform manually (scripts/run_terminal.sh), then run the script from GUI, populate the settings and save into SET file.

  8. [ ] After running CSV2FXT with above method, the appropriate FXT is generated (either for a month, or a year).

You should basically:

Any questions, please ask here, or join chat.

Est. 8-16h


kenorb commented 7 years ago
./run_script.sh -e CSV2FXT.mq4 -E CreateM5=true,CreateM15=true -I ScriptParameters=CSV2FXT.set


./scripts/run_backtest.sh -v -x -I Server=MetaQuotes-Demo,Script=CSV2FXT -E CsvFile=EURUSD-2014.csv -A "copy_file $PWD/EURUSD-2014.csv" -A 'dl_file https://github.com/EA31337/Birt-CSV2FXT/releases/download/0.51/CsvReader.dll "$TERMINAL_DIR/$LIB_DIR"'