EAGLE-BPN / Inscription-Search-Engine

The search engine for querying the EAGLE collection from the website of the project
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Date search does not work #27

Closed PietroLiuzzo closed 8 years ago

PietroLiuzzo commented 8 years ago

search not before 100 and not after 200 not before -0600 not after -0500 not before 1400 not after 1500

all give the same result, i.e. ALL results

this means no date search is actually performed

andremann commented 8 years ago

FYI I'm leaving the queries as they arrive to Solr. Let's double check them. Query: (100, 200) ((notbefore:[100 TO ])OR(notafter:[ TO 200])) AND ((notbefore:[ TO 100])OR(notafter:[200 TO ]))

Query: (-600,-500) ((notbefore:[-600 TO ])OR(notafter:[ TO -500])) AND ((notbefore:[ TO -600])OR(notafter:[-500 TO ]))

andremann commented 8 years ago

@cprando I exhumed a mail thread dated 10/06/2015 It seems we discussed this a lot back then and the current solution still puzzles me...

As far as I can see, these queries are clearly wrong and different from what we agreed to test.

ho messo on line la modifica "entitytype:artifact
      AND (((notbefore:[15 TO 20]))OR((notafter:[15 TO 20])))"
Non ho messo nessun slider.
Proviamo se va bene dal punto di vista logico, poi su aggiustamenti grafici si vedrà.
cprando commented 8 years ago

This bug has been fixed