EAGLE-BPN / Inscription-Search-Engine

The search engine for querying the EAGLE collection from the website of the project
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undated inscriptions in resultset when searching for dates #6

Open wenamun opened 9 years ago

wenamun commented 9 years ago

e.g. when searching for "not-after: 51" there are several inscriptions in the resultset that have no information concerning dates (IP00000017, IP00000019, IP00000212, ... ), these should be excluded from the resultset

PietroLiuzzo commented 9 years ago

actually the datasets have the information requested. is just not displayed in the portal which takes literals and not the values of the attributes e.g. ip00000017

                              <origDate notBefore-custom="0006" notAfter-custom="0271" 
datingMethod="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar">Il n'y a pas des critères pour la datation.</origDate>
wenamun commented 9 years ago

just looked into IRT061 epidoc:

<date type="textDate" notBefore="0001" notAfter="0100" exact="none">Unknown.

this of course is problematic, if on the EAGLE website only the text information is given, this looks definitely wrong... so as a solution both botBefore and notAfter should be added to the text info on the website

On 25/06/15 11:02, Pietro Liuzzo wrote:

actually the datasets have the information requested. is just not displayed in the portal which takes literals and not the values of the attributes e.g. ip00000017 Il n'y a pas des critères pour la datation.

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PietroLiuzzo commented 9 years ago

this is I am afraid is a problem content side, not on the website back or front end.

there are in my memory


in the case of the inscriptions from dacia the content providers provide three informations for the text and for the not before and not after which are reproduces as they are provided.

I am not sure that if editors actually did not want to print a date we should add it, at least in the display. we already somehow force things by asking for something in the attributes.