Closed mw55309 closed 3 years ago
apt is the package manager of Debian and Ubuntu, so please adapt to your linux setup ;-) All the documentation tells you to do, is to install perl correctly in order to run GeneMark-ES.
If you need help installing GeneMark-ES, you will need to look for help on their end (we do not provide GeneMark-ES, thats unrelated software).
Have a look around here:
Sadly I could not make perl work only using conda on my end, thats why I suggest installation of cpanminus via apt. If you succeed, feel free to share and I will try to validate your approach.
I would love to have a complete Singularity Recipe for EukCC, but GeneMark-ES and Perl make it hard.
My very quick test shows this works to get GeneMark-ES running:
conda install perl-app-cpanminus
env PERL5LIB="" PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="" PERL_MM_OPT="" PERL_MB_OPT="" $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/cpanm inc::Module::Install::DSL Hash::Merge MCE::Mutex FindBin Test::Pod Logger::Simple YAML Math::Utils
Note1 you could add perl-app-cpanminus to the eukcc conda recipe
Note2 you're missing Math::Utils from your list of required Perl libs
Thanks a lot. Math::Utils
must have slipped through the cracks. Thank you for finding this.
I am currently building a container trying to verify that this works.
Great tool!
It would be great if the documentation around installation of GeneMark-ES could be expanded.
For example, "apt" is not installed on our Linux cluster ;-)
Given the conda install, it would be good if some kind of recipe for using conda or pip could be implemented, including the ability to install non-system libraries (i.e. install perl libs into home directories)
Cheers Mick