EBI-Metagenomics / emg-viral-pipeline

VIRify: detection of phages and eukaryotic viruses from metagenomic and metatranscriptomic assemblies
Apache License 2.0
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Error - Cannot run program "sbatch" #82

Closed cpavloud closed 6 months ago

cpavloud commented 1 year ago


I am trying to run VIRify in an HPC cluster using nextflow (, slurm and singularity (3.4.2).

This is the command in my sbatch script

nextflow run /CCAS/home/cpavloudi/.nextflow/assets/EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline/virify.nf --fasta "/christina/viruses/metaviralspades/*.fasta" --output /christina/VIRify_output --workdir /christina/work --cores 12 -profile slurm,singularity

but the job fails with this error

Error executing process > 'download_viphog_db:viphogGetDB' Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "sbatch" (in directory "/christina/work/26/795584d61825df5f62d5176a0562cd"): error=2, No such file or directory

I have attached the output of the job so you can take a better look at it. VIRify.2135431.output.txt

hoelzer commented 1 year ago

Hey @cpavloud thanks for your interest in VIRify!

First, it's always a good idea to use a release version of the pipeline if you dont have any reason to not do so:

nextflow pull EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline
nextflow info EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline
nextflow run EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline -r v0.4.0 --help

But that should not make the difference here.

Second, when you want to give multiple files as input it is cruicial to use single ticks and not double quotes!

--fasta '/christina/viruses/metaviralspades/*.fasta' 

Why? Because otherwise your Shell will automatically expand the wildcard in double quotes and then you would provide to the pipeline smt like that as input:

--fasta /christina/viruses/metaviralspades/1.fasta /christina/viruses/metaviralspades/2.fasta /christina/viruses/metaviralspades/3.fasta

which will not work (except in your folder is only one FASTA).

Third, there seems to be a problem with the sbatch command which is the SLURM command to submit a job on the cluster. How do you normally work with the cluster? How do you submit job outside nextflow? srun? sbatch?

This we need to figure out first.

cpavloud commented 1 year ago

Hi @hoelzer! Thank you for your prompt reply!

First I tried as you said, with nextflow run EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline but the error was also coming up.

Single quotes from now on!

I normally use sbatch to submit jobs to the cluster.

hoelzer commented 1 year ago

Hey @cpavloud okay strange.

Can you please run the command once more and then send me the content of the log file in the process that failed? You should see a work folder and then look for subfolders that follow the nextflow print-out for the failed process, e.g.:


that you posted before.

You should find a .command.log file in this folder. What's the content?

cpavloud commented 1 year ago

I tried to run again the command, of course the same error came up.

I looked into the work folder: there are 7 folders (3e, 6d, 79, a3, a7, d3, e0) and in each one there is a subfolder as you said. But they are all empty, there is no .command.log file anywhere.

hoelzer commented 1 year ago

Hi, ah because the processes did not even start due to the sbatch problem. Can you please look into one of these subfolders (e.g. e3/*) and look for a .command.run file? Use e.g. ls -lah to also list hidden files with a . prefix. Then, you could try to submit the .command.run script manually via sbatch to see if that works.

Otherwise, I can just think of some problem with JAVA. How did you install nextflow? Via the command from the http://nextflow.io/ page?

curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash


What does java -version tell you?

Finally, if you did not do so anyway, you could also try installing java+nextflow via conda:

conda create -n nextflow -c bioconda nextflow

and then

conda activate nextflow
nextflow run ...

Maybe that helps... Ah and last question: can you run other nextflow pipelines or did you only try VIRify so far?

cpavloud commented 1 year ago

This is the first time I am running a nextflow pipeline. I didn't install nextflow myself, it was already installed (and available as a module) by the HPC admins.

The java version is (base) [cpavloudi@log003 christina]$ java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_352" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_352-b08) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.352-b08, mixed mode)

I will now try installing nextflow via conda and running it as you propose. I will comment if it is successful.

cpavloud commented 1 year ago


So, after talking with one of our HPCs admins, we understood what the issue was. I am not sure if I will explain it properly, but basically since I was submitting an sbatch (slurm) script, I shouldn't have used

-profile slurm,singularity

but instead I should have used

-profile local,singularity

Somehow, it was like running slurm on slurm and it was crashing. And I couldn't submit the .command.run scripts that were being created because they were lacking the #SBATCH parameters that are mandatory for our HPC (such as the partition or the execution time).

So, I did manage to run the script and I think it went well, apart from the fact that it didn't create krona plots. I got these error messages

Error executing process > 'plot:krona (28)' FATAL: While making image from oci registry: while building SIF from layers: conveyor failed to get: Error initializing source oci:/CCAS/home/cpavloudi/.singularity/cache/oci:ef3d1d75b439dd4e54186f1f8063510555170980f1ea58e977c20ad53413fb52: no descriptor found for reference "ef3d1d75b439dd4e54186f1f8063510555170980f1ea58e977c20ad53413fb52"

Error executing process > 'plot:krona (28)' FATAL: While making image from oci registry: while building SIF from layers: conveyor failed to get: Error initializing source oci:/CCAS/home/cpavloudi/.singularity/cache/oci:ef3d1d75b439dd4e54186f1f8063510555170980f1ea58e977c20ad53413fb52: no descriptor found for reference "ef3d1d75b439dd4e54186f1f8063510555170980f1ea58e977c20ad53413fb52"

I have attached the sbatch script I ran and the output file.

VIRify.sh.txt VIRify.2149283.output.txt

mberacochea commented 1 year ago

Hi @cpavloud,


It's possible to provide custom parameters to Slurm using Nextflow. In order to do so you will have to create a a custom configuration file, something like this:

profiles {
  cpavloud { # you can use any names you want here
    clusterOptions = "-D /lustre/groups/sawgrp/christina"
    process.queue = "defq"
    process.time = "96h"

you need to add an extra -c flag like this:

nextflow run EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline \
-c cpavloud.conf \
--fasta '/lustre/groups/sawgrp/christina/viruses/metaviralspades/*.fasta' \
--output /lustre/groups/sawgrp/christina/VIRify_output \
--workdir /lustre/groups/sawgrp/christina/work \
--cores 32 \
-profile cpavloud,singularity

I didn't have the time to test this, so please refer to the documentation https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html

Singularity error

The version of singularity that you are using is quite old, which might be causing issues.

You can try pulling the container manually to see if it resolves the error: singularity pull --name microbiomeinformatics-krona-v2.7.1.img docker://microbiomeinformatics/krona:v2.7.1

If this works, please copy the file microbiomeinformatics-krona-v2.7.1.img to the singularity cache folder on your cluster, which I believe is located at /lustre/groups/sawgrp/christina/singularity/.

hoelzer commented 1 year ago

+1 @mberacochea ! : )

And thx for the feedback @cpavloud ! Ah okay, yes that makes sense. If you submit the nextflow run ... command already via sbatch then this will run on a compute node and from there continue to spawn jobs when -profile slurm is used. So either you start nextflow run ... -profile slurm from a login node and then the jobs will be forwarded to the SLURM queue and run on the compute nodes, or you log into a compute node/submit the whole nextflow run ... command to a compute node but then you use -profile local. The disadvantage: then all steps run on that compute node. If you use -profile slurm the independent jobs can be submitted in parallel.

cpavloud commented 1 year ago

Ok. I tried once more to run it.

These are the contents of my singularity cache folder microbiomeinformatics-checkv-v0.8.1.img microbiomeinformatics-emg-viral-pipeline-plot-contig-map-v1.img microbiomeinformatics-emg-viral-pipeline-python3-v1.img microbiomeinformatics-hmmer-v3.1b2.img microbiomeinformatics-krona-v2.7.1.img microbiomeinformatics-pprmeta-v1.1.img microbiomeinformatics-prodigal-v2.6.3.img microbiomeinformatics-virfinder-v1.1__eb8032e.img microbiomeinformatics-virsorter-1.0.6.img quay.io-biocontainers-prodigal-2.6.3--hec16e2b_4.img quay.io-biocontainers-virsorter-1.0.6--pl526h516909a_1.img quay.io-microbiome-informatics-checkv-0.8.1__1.img quay.io-microbiome-informatics-hmmer-3.1b2.img quay.io-microbiome-informatics-pprmeta-1.1.img quay.io-microbiome-informatics-virfinder-1.1__eb8032e.img quay.io-microbiome-informatics-virify-plot-contig-map-1.img quay.io-microbiome-informatics-virify-python3-1.1.img

I have also attached the output file and the shell script I used to submit the job. VIRify_test.sh.txt VIRify.2173043.output.txt

All the samples have the output folders 01-viruses, 02-prodigal and 08-final. Only two samples have also the output folder 07-checkv. Only one sample has the output folder 03-hmmer. And, for one sample, P14-16, there are no prophages found and the job is killed. I think this is the main issue, that somehow the job cannot continue running for the rest of the samples... But I may be wrong.

hoelzer commented 1 year ago

Hey @cpavloud !

I think what you should actually do is:

nextflow run EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline -r v1.0 --fasta '/lustre/groups/sawgrp/christina/viruses/metaspades/*.fasta' --output /lustre/groups/sawgrp/christina/VIRify_output_metaspades --workdir /lustre/groups/sawgrp/christina/work -profile slurm,singularity

And load all necessary modules before. Nextflow will then take care of submitting your jobs to the SLURM scheduler.

But anyway, there might be other sources of your error. You started the pipeline now on the login node (or on a single compute node after logging into) which will take more compute time, but should still work.

From your terminal output it seems that CheckV failed w/ You input FASTA file is empty or not properly formatted. Can you check the folder content:


Maybe this is related to: https://github.com/EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline/issues/92

Which might be solved in: https://github.com/EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline/pull/95

just recently.

You could try that branch on your data via:

nextflow pull EBI-metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline
nextflow run EBI-metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline -r bugfix/issue-92-prophages-and-gff-generation ...