start with this.
Add final version as a Markdown file in the repo.
participant User
box Harmonisation Service
participant HS as HarmonisationService
participant JS as JobService
participant FMS as FieldMatchingService
box EBI Services
participant Zooma
note right of Zooma: "initially use common Zooma, later a hosted"
User ->> HS: harmonise(cohort dictionary)
note left of HS: REST API
HS ->> HS: start harmonisation
HS ->> JS: create new job
note right of JS: job should be a REST resource
HS -->> User: harmonisation job id
par async harmonisation job
loop for each field
HS ->> FMS: find closest field (field)
FMS ->> Zooma: lookup by name in GECKO
FMS -->> HS: field
FMS ->> JS: update job document with progress
HS --> HS: update harmonisation result
HS -->> User: harmonisation result
start with this. Add final version as a Markdown file in the repo.