EBIO6100Spring2020 / Data-sandbox

An initial space for data downloading and EDA
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Project: NEON-Niwot SDMs forest species #4

Closed brettmelbourne closed 1 year ago

brettmelbourne commented 4 years ago

Species distribution models of forest species

annaspiers commented 4 years ago

I'm interested

mech3132 commented 4 years ago


cltorrens commented 4 years ago


gottacatchenall commented 4 years ago


scelmendorf commented 4 years ago

Adding some relevant datasets/papers to this one: Veblen dataset - https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/662c9312de7ff8365543b496b754e9fe. Recent paper using the Veblen dataset: https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2019-0023

neon tree data - mapped stems etc described here: http://data.neonscience.org/documents/10179/1723439/NEON.DOC.000914vA/b21f8a50-2f1e-4261-8890-3f922fd78141

and the general diversity protocol - which presumably has plots both in the forest and tundra at neon described here: https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2603

grantvagle commented 4 years ago


mbjoseph commented 4 years ago

Good paper on the ground beetle sampling design (with some ideas for projects toward the end):

Hoekman, David, Katherine E. LeVan, George E. Ball, Robert A. Browne, Robert L. Davidson, Terry L. Erwin, C. Barry Knisley et al. "Design for ground beetle abundance and diversity sampling within the National Ecological Observatory Network." Ecosphere 8, no. 4 (2017): e01744. https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ecs2.1744

mbjoseph commented 4 years ago

EDA tasks for 2020-02-06

Start visualizing some of the predictor variables

scelmendorf commented 4 years ago

Also relevant - if you haven't already worked this out most of the 'OS' products (e.g. stuff that is not sensors or aop) come with a user guide that gives a brief description of the parent-child relationships (subsetting), spatial and temporal frequency. http://data.neonscience.org/api/v0/documents/NEON_beetle_userGuide_vA I think it should also come with your data if you pick the 'expanded' option rather than 'basic' in your download.

mbjoseph commented 4 years ago

Also relevant (and gets back to the mulitnomial observation model that @scelmendorf mentioned) is this recent paper, which provides a modeling framework for multispecies data under misclassification error that explicitly separates the presence/absence of each species, the activity level (expected count, given presence) of each species, and species misclassification probabiliites: https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13315

We could also probably think of some simpler quick and dirty approaches (e.g., focus on species that the parataxonomists can reliably identify).

mbjoseph commented 1 year ago

Linking out to the MEE paper @annaspiers wrote on this stuff 🎉 🥳