Ontology for consent codes and data use requirements
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add images for DUO icons #87

Open mcourtot opened 3 years ago

mcourtot commented 3 years ago

using foaf:depiction for rendering in OLS

(see also https://github.com/EBISPOT/OLS/issues/419)

from Chisato: we have decided to share the pictograms under the CC-BY-4.0 license and GA4GH copyright.

Also, we revised and included three additional images to cover all of 8 DUO codes in Machine-Readable Consent Guidance.

Please refer below for out latest pictograms;

mcourtot commented 3 years ago

Pictograms added to documentation https://github.com/EBISPOT/DUO#duo-pictograms

Still need to add individual annotation properties to DUO terms