Ontology Lookup Service from SPOT at EBI
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OLS UI creates invalid hyperlinks from annotations of terms #569

Closed jonrkarr closed 1 year ago

jonrkarr commented 2 years ago

For example, in https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/kisao/terms?iri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.biomodels.net%2Fkisao%2FKISAO%23KISAO_0000496, the OLS UI shows a hyperlink for http://identifiers.org/biomodels.kisao/KISAO_0000019] rather than http://identifiers.org/biomodels.kisao/KISAO_0000019.

This was noticed by Fengkai Zhang.

serjoshua commented 2 years ago

Hello Jonathan,

We are already looking into it. Thank you for raising this issue.

serjoshua commented 1 year ago

Hi Jonathan,

Apologies if it took us months to get back to you regarding this issue. The reason for this is that the approach to display class/term information was streamlined. At the same time, we had a huge release to handle locale language (multilang) for ontologies.

As for the URLs in annotation values of some classes (in this case KISAO:0000496), initially, our templates automatically format them to be displayed as a hyperlink, which is not the intention thus creating a broken link. We corrected it and currently, we display annotation values as unformatted text. Annotation keys, on the other hand, are still displayed as hyperlinks.

Hope this helps. Regards.