Ontology Lookup Service from SPOT at EBI
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ols api parents and ancestors not working terms other than GO #634

Closed selvaebi closed 1 year ago

selvaebi commented 1 year ago

eg : http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/api/ontologies/go/ancestors?id=GO:0043226 is working

but http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/api/ontologies/doid/ancestors?id=doid:0081062 is not working am I missing something

serjoshua commented 1 year ago

Hi Selva,

We are looking into this but initially, I think this is caused by the recent data issue we encountered in OLS. We might need to force an update for DOID to resolve this specific example you provided. If you have examples from other ontologies, we would be more than glad to know about them.


selvaebi commented 1 year ago

right now this is one case, I put up if anything else comes up. And also the main use case for us is to get the root element of the provided id, to find whether it is a disease/cell type/tissue or organism. Do you have any API that you can point me to ??

serjoshua commented 1 year ago

Good day Selva,

DOID has just been updated in OLS. I checked your problematic API and it seems like the issue still exists. Upon checking though, the term is already obsolete. Given that, let us know if this is something that has been considered on your side. Regards.

cmungall commented 1 year ago

note you have to use the correct identifier. OBO Identifiers are case sensitive

https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/api/ontologies/doid/ancestors?id=DOID:0081062 gives the expected results given this is obsolete

serjoshua commented 1 year ago

Thanks Chris. I wasn't aware of this and never realized to check casing. With that said, I will consider this resolved.