Ontology Lookup Service from SPOT at EBI
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search ignores properties that are not configured as hidden #649

Open KonradHoeffner opened 1 year ago

KonradHoeffner commented 1 year ago

In ols-config.yaml I have not set any value for "hidden_property". The search index is generated as part of the general Docker setup, all volumes have been cleared with "docker compose down -v" before "docker compose up" and it has been built too. I thus assume that all properties of my ontology are included in the search index. However in practice, several of my properties are just ignored by the search:

    <owl:Class rdf:about="https://ols.imise.uni-leipzig.de/ontologies/anno#Eminence">
        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="https://ols.imise.uni-leipzig.de/ontologies/anno#Elevation"/>
        <rdfs:comment>Standring (2016): less often applied to certain bony projections;

Adj. Der Defintionen tw. Widersprüchlich</rdfs:comment>
        <skos:altLabel>- (de)</skos:altLabel>
        <rdfs:label >Eminence</rdfs:label>
        <skos:altLabel>Eminentia (la)</skos:altLabel>
        <association_with_other_terms>Ähnliche Strukturen:
Tubeculum, Processus, tuber, tuberositas 

Protuberance, prominence, torus</association_with_other_terms>
        <characteristic_features_all_languages>länglich, elongated, rounded, less prominent than a process, small</characteristic_features_all_languages>
        <definition>eher länglicher Knochenhöcker, Vorsprung, Höcker tjongtijö (de)</definition>
        <definition >elevation / bony projection, usually not as / less prominent as / than  a process; rounded bulge; elongated protuberance; small projection or bump (Wiki/Internet)</definition>
        <definition_from_literature_by_ref_fipat_tanthro_>Projections &amp; Parts</definition_from_literature_by_ref_fipat_tanthro_>
        <definition_from_literature_by_ref_matshes_2005_>Terms involving raised areas on the surface of bones.</definition_from_literature_by_ref_matshes_2005_>
        <definition_from_literature_by_ref_white_2012_>Projections &amp; Parts</definition_from_literature_by_ref_white_2012_>
        <described_by_other_terms>protuberance, elevation, projection, bulge</described_by_other_terms>
        <kind_of_association>Standring (2016):  The terms protuberance, promi­nence,  eminence  and  torus  are  less  often  applied  to  certain  bony 
        <used_as_a_descriptive_for_other_terms>Tuberositas , Tuberculum, Caput, Capitulum, Condylus</used_as_a_descriptive_for_other_terms>

For example, I get 0 results for the term "Standring", which is included both in "rdfs:comment" and in "kind_of_association".

P.S.: Search in synonyms (configured as skos:altLabel) does not work as well.


- activity_status: active
  contact: [...]
  description: ANNO is an ontology for anthropological notation
  homepage: https://annosaxfdm.de
  id: anno
  layout: ontology_detail
    - http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#altLabel
  # label seems to be ignored as synonym property
    - http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label
    - https://ols.imise.uni-leipzig.de/ontologies/anno#definition
  ontology_purl: file:///ontology/anno-ols.owl
    - {id: anno.owl, ontology_purl: 'file:///ontology/anno.owl'}
  title: The Anthropological Notation Ontology
  tracker: https://github.com/annosaxfdm/ols
    - https://www.imise.uni-leipzig.de/ontologies/anno#Anatomical_location
    - https://www.imise.uni-leipzig.de/ontologies/anno#Bone
KonradHoeffner commented 1 year ago

Looking into the SOLR index, the synonyms and comments are not indexed at all:

  "responseHeader": {
    "status": 0,
    "QTime": 1,
    "params": {
      "q": "short_form:\"Eminence\"",
      "indent": "true",
      "wt": "json",
      "_": "1667472218772"
  "response": {
    "numFound": 1,
    "start": 0,
    "docs": [
        "id": "anno:class:https://ols.imise.uni-leipzig.de/ontologies/anno#Eminence",
        "iri": "https://ols.imise.uni-leipzig.de/ontologies/anno#Eminence",
        "language": "en",
        "short_form": "Eminence",
        "shortform_autosuggest": [
        "label": "Eminence",
        "label_autosuggest": "Eminence",
        "label_autosuggest_ws": "Eminence",
        "label_autosuggest_e": "Eminence",
        "autosuggest": [
        "autosuggest_e": [
        "description": [
          "eher länglicher Knochenhöcker, Vorsprung, Höcker tjongtijö (de)",
          "elevation / bony projection, usually not as / less prominent as / than  a process; rounded bulge; elongated protuberance; small projection or bump (Wiki/Internet)"
        "ontology_name": "anno",
        "ontology_title": "The Anthropological Notation Ontology",
        "ontology_prefix": "ANNO",
        "ontology_iri": "https://ols.imise.uni-leipzig.de/ontologies/anno",
        "type": "class",
        "is_defining_ontology": false,
        "has_children": false,
        "is_root": false,
        "_version_": 1748468598513336300