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New term request for Francis PMID 33760818 #1070

Closed earlEBI closed 3 years ago

earlEBI commented 3 years ago

Preferred term label

fish oil supplement exposure measurement

Textual definition

Quantification of some aspect of an individual's exposure to fish oil supplementation.

Suggested parent term

environmental exposure measurement

Further phenotyping information

This is for use in a GxE interaction study with trait: cholesterol levels x fish oil supplement interaction (1df/2df)

'Fish oil supplementation status', p13 in the paper: The discovery fish oil exposure phenotype is taken from UKB questionnaire answers to: "Do you regularly take any of the following? (You can select more than one answer)" (f.6179) and a follow-up 24-hour dietary recall questionnaire. "Those who answered yes to fish oil supplementation at both time points were coded as 1, those who answered no at both points were coded as 0, and those with different answers were excluded from our analysis"

Replication participants were asked: Do you regularly take fish oil? (Including omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, cod liver oil).” in the “Vitamin Survey Form”

earlEBI commented 3 years ago

@kallia-p (sorry for the tagging and untagging)