Github repo for the Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO)
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New Term Request for Open Targets #1951

Closed buniello closed 1 year ago

buniello commented 1 year ago

For new term requests, please provide the following information:

Preferred term label

Neuroinflammatory Disorders


Neuroinflammatory Diseases

Textual definition

A group of immune-mediated disorders of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord and optic nerves). Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the best-known neuroinflammatory disease. Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and other neurodegenerative diseases are all related to neuroinflammation.

Suggested parent term



If you would like a nanoattribution, please indicate your ORCID id

zoependlington commented 1 year ago

Hi @buniello, would MONDO_0000568 (autoimmune disorder of central nervous system) or its parent (MONDO_0002977, autoimmune disorder of nervous system) be acceptable for this term? Currently multiple sclerosis listed in the definition is a child of this Mondo term:

buniello commented 1 year ago

Hi @zoependlington, could "neuroinflammatory disorders" be added to the synonyms at least? It would be important for our search to capture it, as ultimately the targets will need to be associated with neuroinflammatory disorders (capturing a cell-to-human phenotype from an experimental setting).

zoependlington commented 1 year ago

@buniello I can certainly request the Mondo team to consider it.

buniello commented 1 year ago

Hi @zoependlington, I discussed this term with the team and also with the CRISPR data experts/providers, and they all would like to use the "Neuroinflammatory Disorders" term to capture our cell type-disease-target associations in the platform. Would it be a real problem to create a new EFO term for us, as requested? Thanks!

zoependlington commented 1 year ago

@buniello Of course, I'll create a new EFO term in time for the April release!

buniello commented 1 year ago

thank you @zoependlington!!

zoependlington commented 1 year ago

Term added as EFO_0020092, which will be available after the April release.