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Migration of terms into the measurement branch #2191

Open ireneisdoomed opened 6 months ago

ireneisdoomed commented 6 months ago


This is Irene from Open Targets. The GWAS Catalog reports significant associations to terms from the material property branch, such as personality trait, which is not included in the EFO slim version and are therefore dropped from the Platform evidence.

After reviewing some of the studies that report these associations, it appears that these traits could be considered measurements. I know there are plans to migrate some terms into the measurement branch, which is included in the slim version. I'm reaching out to confirm whether the terms in question are part of this reclassification effort.

EFO label EFO ID Current branch
left atrial function EFO_0004294 material property > function
thyroid function EFO_0004296 material property > function
personality trait EFO_0004365 material property > quality
colorectal health EFO_0008460 material property > quality
sexual dimorphism EFO_0005951 material property > quality
clinical and behavioural ideal cardiovascular health EFO_0007654 material property > quality
clinical ideal cardiovascular health EFO_0007653 material property > quality
self rated health EFO_0004778 process > planned process

Thank you!